Antioxidants - The Key To Balancing The Body For True Health And Longevity
Getting enough antioxidants is difficult in our world of processed food, sugary drinks and hurried lifestyles.
We are bombarded with the latest and greatest fad diets, miracle health supplements and other potions.
It is important to understand what anti-oxidants are, how they help in balancing the body, and how they help you enjoy true health and ensure a long, productive life.
First of all, your body requires a lot of negatively charged electrons.
When you are deficient in these, you have too many positively charged electrons, also known as free radicals which damage your organs and other tissues.
These positively charged electrons, or free radicals have an oxidizing effect to your body-these are unstable molecules.
An example of oxidation is the rust on a pipe or an apple turning brown when you cut it.
This oxidation of the pipe and the apple occur due to unstable molecules.
Balancing the body so that you have an abundance of negatively charged electrons instead of an abundance of damaging positively charged electrons ensures true health.
Antioxidants have a surplus of negative electrons which are donated to the positively charged electrons.
You get them from fresh fruits and vegetables, supplements, and other foods and drinks that are fortified with them-or have been added to them.
However, you give yourself a false sense of security by eating right, taking supplements and thinking you are getting all of the free radical ammunition you need.
They are not all created the same nor do they all have the power to help you balance your body effectively.
Every substance has what is called an "oxidation reduction potential" or "ORP" measurement.
An ORP meter is used to measure the antioxidants contained in a substance.
If the strength is high, it has a high negative number, a high amount of negative electrons and that substance has a greater ability to reduce oxidation (hence, why they are called anti-oxidants) by reducing positive electrons.
True health is acquired by reducing positive electrons which reduces free radicals, and this reduces premature aging.
It also gives your body massive tools that can fight off the development of disease and can even reverse it.
You may be asking at this point, what are the best sources of this life-giving element that contain the highest amounts of negative electrons, having the highest negative ORP? A good rule of thumb is that if a substance is alkaline, it is also an antioxidant.
This means that in order to properly balance your body, you need to consume massive amounts of alkaline foods and substances.
Or, you can do it an easier way, and much more abundantly, by drinking the right kind of water.
True health depends on it.
We are bombarded with the latest and greatest fad diets, miracle health supplements and other potions.
It is important to understand what anti-oxidants are, how they help in balancing the body, and how they help you enjoy true health and ensure a long, productive life.
First of all, your body requires a lot of negatively charged electrons.
When you are deficient in these, you have too many positively charged electrons, also known as free radicals which damage your organs and other tissues.
These positively charged electrons, or free radicals have an oxidizing effect to your body-these are unstable molecules.
An example of oxidation is the rust on a pipe or an apple turning brown when you cut it.
This oxidation of the pipe and the apple occur due to unstable molecules.
Balancing the body so that you have an abundance of negatively charged electrons instead of an abundance of damaging positively charged electrons ensures true health.
Antioxidants have a surplus of negative electrons which are donated to the positively charged electrons.
You get them from fresh fruits and vegetables, supplements, and other foods and drinks that are fortified with them-or have been added to them.
However, you give yourself a false sense of security by eating right, taking supplements and thinking you are getting all of the free radical ammunition you need.
They are not all created the same nor do they all have the power to help you balance your body effectively.
Every substance has what is called an "oxidation reduction potential" or "ORP" measurement.
An ORP meter is used to measure the antioxidants contained in a substance.
If the strength is high, it has a high negative number, a high amount of negative electrons and that substance has a greater ability to reduce oxidation (hence, why they are called anti-oxidants) by reducing positive electrons.
True health is acquired by reducing positive electrons which reduces free radicals, and this reduces premature aging.
It also gives your body massive tools that can fight off the development of disease and can even reverse it.
You may be asking at this point, what are the best sources of this life-giving element that contain the highest amounts of negative electrons, having the highest negative ORP? A good rule of thumb is that if a substance is alkaline, it is also an antioxidant.
This means that in order to properly balance your body, you need to consume massive amounts of alkaline foods and substances.
Or, you can do it an easier way, and much more abundantly, by drinking the right kind of water.
True health depends on it.