Dayton Blower Specifications
- Blowers produced by Dayton are designed to be dynamically balanced. This entails that they have heavy-gauge, gray enamel steel housing. This also enables noise and vibration to be kept to a minimum level, which is essential for maintaining cubic feet per minute at higher values of static pressure. Dayton's open motors also possess sleeve or ball bearings and cast iron end shields.
- Low profile blowers designed by Dayton are all-position mounted blowers that operate at higher static pressures than the transflow blowers. These are designed to be used with fireplaces, wood burning stoves, electronic cooling units, heat transfer equipment and air cleaners.
- Dayton blowers equipped with transflow are all-position mounted and possess permanently lubricated sleeve bearings. They are equipped with features such as an over-sized motor stack, which improves cooling abilities. Transflow types of blowers are used to cool, ventilate, or exhaust cabinets; in office machines and electronic equipment; and to return air for fireplaces and wood burning stoves.
- Dayton has produced blowers able to function in high temperatures. Such blowers include an aluminum fan blade positioned between the motor and the blower housing. The cooling fan is surrounded by a protective steel guard. These types of blowers are used for draft inducers, flue gas exhausts, and in warm air circulators which are located in remote locations where motor re-lubrication is considered impractical.
Housing Specs
Low Profile Design
Transflow Models
High Temperature Durability