la publicité
Definition: advertising, advertisement, bad publicity
Il travaille dans la publicité - He works in advertising, He's an ad man.
Je n'aime pas cette publicité - I don't like this advertisement.
Il y a trop de publicité dans cette affaire - There's been too much publicity on this matter.
Related: publicitaire (adj) - advertising, promotional
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [pu blee see tay]
Il travaille dans la publicité - He works in advertising, He's an ad man.
Je n'aime pas cette publicité - I don't like this advertisement.
Il y a trop de publicité dans cette affaire - There's been too much publicity on this matter.
Related: publicitaire (adj) - advertising, promotional
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [pu blee see tay]