Let"s Get Sexy With Some Pink Tool Kits for Women!
That's right, pink tool kits for women! After all, many women use tools around the house and some market savvy tool manufacturers know this.
So what better way to add a dash of femininity to these tools than by making pink tools for women that not only look nice (yes, stylish tools do count), but perform just as well as tools that are made for men.
Oh, and what is really nice, especially from a woman's point if view is that since these tools are pink, and the tool bag or tool box is also pink, you pretty much have no fear of your favorite guy borrowing a tool and never returning it! So pink tool kits for women usually stay well-organized and complete.
Imagine that! As pink tool sets for women become increasing popular, more different types of kits have started to hit the marketplace and basically address many different segments.
You can now find pink tools for women ranging anywhere from a pink Swiss Army style tool kit that can be carried in a purse, all the way up tool kits that come with just about everything but the kitchen sink! Let's take a look at some of these pink tool kits for women and see exactly what is making them so popular.
As was mentioned above, these tools can be as small as a pocket knife and travel anywhere.
One such kit that was found actually contained 11 small tools and folded up into a nice compact size that can stored anywhere! It had a Phillips screwdriver, a pair of needle nose pliers, a knife, wire cutters a cork screw and several other useful tools all in a small hand-held format.
Talk about convenience! Another segment that you'll find pink tools is for those who are gardeners.
Several offerings can be found that contain a nice hand trowel, pruning shears and gloves and yes, all in pink.
Hey, it never hurts to look nice when your planting those annuals around the yard right? Now let' venture into the sets that are on a much grander scale.
One such kit that seems to be very popular is a 26 piece tool kit that has all the common household tools that you may need at a moments notice such as screwdrivers, various types of pliers, a hammer (in pink), tape measure (also in pink) adjustable wrenches and more.
These kits are ideal for those seemingly endless type jobs like hanging a picture, tightening a door hinge or replacing a broken handle on a kitchen cupboard.
Oh, and for those of you who like their pink tool kits for women with a little bit of power, you too can take heart because the market is now seeing pink cordless drills with enough power to handle even the toughest jobs that you may come up against.
So what better way to add a dash of femininity to these tools than by making pink tools for women that not only look nice (yes, stylish tools do count), but perform just as well as tools that are made for men.
Oh, and what is really nice, especially from a woman's point if view is that since these tools are pink, and the tool bag or tool box is also pink, you pretty much have no fear of your favorite guy borrowing a tool and never returning it! So pink tool kits for women usually stay well-organized and complete.
Imagine that! As pink tool sets for women become increasing popular, more different types of kits have started to hit the marketplace and basically address many different segments.
You can now find pink tools for women ranging anywhere from a pink Swiss Army style tool kit that can be carried in a purse, all the way up tool kits that come with just about everything but the kitchen sink! Let's take a look at some of these pink tool kits for women and see exactly what is making them so popular.
As was mentioned above, these tools can be as small as a pocket knife and travel anywhere.
One such kit that was found actually contained 11 small tools and folded up into a nice compact size that can stored anywhere! It had a Phillips screwdriver, a pair of needle nose pliers, a knife, wire cutters a cork screw and several other useful tools all in a small hand-held format.
Talk about convenience! Another segment that you'll find pink tools is for those who are gardeners.
Several offerings can be found that contain a nice hand trowel, pruning shears and gloves and yes, all in pink.
Hey, it never hurts to look nice when your planting those annuals around the yard right? Now let' venture into the sets that are on a much grander scale.
One such kit that seems to be very popular is a 26 piece tool kit that has all the common household tools that you may need at a moments notice such as screwdrivers, various types of pliers, a hammer (in pink), tape measure (also in pink) adjustable wrenches and more.
These kits are ideal for those seemingly endless type jobs like hanging a picture, tightening a door hinge or replacing a broken handle on a kitchen cupboard.
Oh, and for those of you who like their pink tool kits for women with a little bit of power, you too can take heart because the market is now seeing pink cordless drills with enough power to handle even the toughest jobs that you may come up against.