Pinstripe Installation
- 1). Using a few drops of regular dishwashing soap and water, thoroughly wash the surface where you intend to install the pinstripe. This removes bugs, soil and other small contaminants that stick to the surface of your car. Wipe the surface clean with regular paper towels.
- 2). Spray degreaser on a clean paper towel and wipe the surface on which you plan to install the pinstripe. This removes grease, wax and oil, allows the pinstripe to adhere to the surface and improves its longevity. Apply the degreaser to small sections of the surface and wipe the surface dry with clean paper towels.
- 3). Repeat step two, this time using denatured alcohol. This is the final step in preparing the surface for the pinstripe.
- 4). Decide on the starting and ending points of your vehicle where the pinstripe is going to be located. Locate your application points, which are two to three inches beyond your starting and ending points. Cut your pinstripe to this length.
- 5). Remove the backing film from the sticky surface of the pinstripe. Have an assistant hold one end of the pinstripe firmly against your starting application point.
- 6). Stretch your pinstripe over to the ending application point and hold it about two inches off the surface. This lets you decide on the final location of the pinstripe. Adjust the pinstripe by moving it up or down.
- 7). Twist the pinstripe 90 degrees so the sticky surface on the pinstripe is at a right angle to the installation surface. Lower the pinstripe against the surface of the vehicle to verify it is in the correct position.
- 8). Untwist the pinstripe and gently press the end of the pinstripe to the ending application point. Ask your assistant to gently press the other end of the pinstripe to the starting application point. Step back and look at the position of the pinstripe on your vehicle. If you need to make an adjustment, have your assistant hold her end on the starting application point as you lift and reposition the stripe.
- 9). Slide your thumb along the surface of the pinstripe, applying smooth, regular pressure to ensure the pinstripe sticks firmly to the surface of the vehicle.
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Cut the starting and ending points of the pinstripe to your desired length using a single-edged razor blade. If the pinstripe extends from the body of the vehicle over the cut lines of the doors, cut the pinstripe approximately 1/16 of an inch off the edges of the doors.