Book Review: Think Like a Winner!
There have been many books written about how to be successful. But never has success been explained and defined like in the book, €Think Like a Winner!€ Written in 1991 by Dr. Walter Doyle Staples, a highly acclaimed author on the subject of leadership, motivation and human potential, this book explains and teaches the reader what it takes to be successful in any aspect of his or her life.
As I thumbed through €Think Like a Winner! the first time I examined it, I couldn't help to think that this book totally immerses the reader in its subject. I had fun just reading all the tidbits regarding successful thinking with the idea that reading this book from cover to cover would be an enlightening experience. I couldn't have been more correct!
You will notice when you examine the front and back covers is that €Think Like a Winner!€ is highly acclaimed by many recognized authorities, including Tony Robbins, Dr. Kenneth Blanchard, Brian Tracy, etc., making this book a serious read for anybody looking to learn how to be successful.
Dr. Staples wrote this book with the intention to present the reader the essential success concepts without making it a drawn out experience. The concepts are presented in a very organized and simple manner for anybody to easily learn. Most importantly, the reader sees the benefits by applying the ideas presented to his or her life.
As you open the €Think Like a Winner!€, you will notice the 10 core beliefs unique to all peak performing men and women. This sets the tone for reading this remarkable book.
This list of beliefs serves as the foundation you need to take the concepts presented in this book and create any degree of success you want in life.
Starting with the first chapter, Dr. Staples distinguishes what makes people successful and shows the reader how as human beings, we have the power to get anything we want out of life simply by changing our thinking. The exercises found in this book are based in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and are extremely helpful.
€Think Like a Winner!€ offers practical and useful techniques for reprogramming your mind toward success. The concepts are really not new but are presented in a way to where you cannot help to sit up and take notice. It is truly a €how to€ system for reaching new heights of personal achievement.
Of all the self help books I have read over the years, €Think Like a Winner!€ stands out as a €winner€ for anybody serious about creating success in any aspect of their lives. It is one of those rare books that you will want to refer back to from time to time because it has so much to offer.
Taking the time to read this book is a giant step forward towards reaching your full potential. This book is no doubt destined to be a classic and will be enjoyed by many for years to come. €Think Like a Winner!€ is one of those rare books that will make an impact the first time you read it and will transform your life with every time you read it.
As I thumbed through €Think Like a Winner! the first time I examined it, I couldn't help to think that this book totally immerses the reader in its subject. I had fun just reading all the tidbits regarding successful thinking with the idea that reading this book from cover to cover would be an enlightening experience. I couldn't have been more correct!
You will notice when you examine the front and back covers is that €Think Like a Winner!€ is highly acclaimed by many recognized authorities, including Tony Robbins, Dr. Kenneth Blanchard, Brian Tracy, etc., making this book a serious read for anybody looking to learn how to be successful.
Dr. Staples wrote this book with the intention to present the reader the essential success concepts without making it a drawn out experience. The concepts are presented in a very organized and simple manner for anybody to easily learn. Most importantly, the reader sees the benefits by applying the ideas presented to his or her life.
As you open the €Think Like a Winner!€, you will notice the 10 core beliefs unique to all peak performing men and women. This sets the tone for reading this remarkable book.
This list of beliefs serves as the foundation you need to take the concepts presented in this book and create any degree of success you want in life.
Starting with the first chapter, Dr. Staples distinguishes what makes people successful and shows the reader how as human beings, we have the power to get anything we want out of life simply by changing our thinking. The exercises found in this book are based in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and are extremely helpful.
€Think Like a Winner!€ offers practical and useful techniques for reprogramming your mind toward success. The concepts are really not new but are presented in a way to where you cannot help to sit up and take notice. It is truly a €how to€ system for reaching new heights of personal achievement.
Of all the self help books I have read over the years, €Think Like a Winner!€ stands out as a €winner€ for anybody serious about creating success in any aspect of their lives. It is one of those rare books that you will want to refer back to from time to time because it has so much to offer.
Taking the time to read this book is a giant step forward towards reaching your full potential. This book is no doubt destined to be a classic and will be enjoyed by many for years to come. €Think Like a Winner!€ is one of those rare books that will make an impact the first time you read it and will transform your life with every time you read it.