When to Buy a Laptop
- Most companies offer sales on laptops at certain times of the year, such as during the Christmas holidays or when back-to-school shopping is under way. Black Friday---the day after Thanksgiving---offers the biggest discounts for laptops. If you don't mind crowds of people and you're prepared to camp in front of the store for hours before it opens, it's one of the best opportunities to buy a laptop for a fraction of the cost. Locate the Black Friday sales circulars online or in your local newspaper to see who is offering the best deal and how many laptops the store guarantees to have on hand when the store opens. They will sell out in a matter of minutes, so be first in line, if possible, to secure your laptop.
- Stores will often offer incentives to buy laptops by discounting the price of the laptop if you buy something else with it. Usually this will be a software program or add-on device for the laptop. If you need the product the store is offering, take advantage of the discount to get your laptop for less. These types of incentives can happen at any time, so watch the circulars usually found in your local Sunday newspaper for sales and discount offerings from local retail stores.
- Laptop manufacturers usually release new models every few months. This is an excellent time to purchase your new laptop. You can buy the old model, which will be deeply discounted to make room for the new model, or take advantage of the opportunity to purchase the latest model. You may not find a discount on the latest model laptop, but you can rest assured the company won't update again for several months. You also know you have the most up-to-date features with the latest model, which may be important if you use your laptop for work.
- Although there are good times to take advantages of laptop sales, if your laptop breaks you might not want to wait for a sale or discount. If this happens, check all of the stores in your area to compare prices, then select the best laptop for your needs based on cost, features and availability.
Holiday Sales
Regular Sales and Discounts
New Models