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Faux amis - D

One of the great things about learning French or English is that many words have the same roots in the Romance languages and English. However, there are also a great many faux amis, or false cognates, which look similar but have different meanings. This is one of the biggest pitfalls for students of French. There are also "semi-false cognates": words that can only sometimes be translated by the similar word in the other language.

This alphabetical list (newest additions) includes hundreds of French-English false cognates, with explanations of what each word means and how it can be correctly translated into the other language. To avoid confusion due to the fact that some of the words are identical in the two languages, the French word is followed by (F) and the English word is followed by (E).

Dalle (F) vs Dale (E)

     Dalle (F) is a paving stone, and is also used in some familiar expressions.
     Dale (E) refers to une vallée or un vallon.

Dame (F) vs Dame (E)

     Dame (F) = a lady.
     Dame (E) is much less polite: une fille or une nana.

Date (F) vs Date (E)

     Date (F) is the same as date only in terms of calendar dates.
     Date (E) can also refer to the fruit (une datte) or un rendez-vous.

Décade (F) vs Decade (E)

     Décade (F) is a period of ten days.
     Decade (E) is a period of ten years: une décennie or simply dix ans.

Déception (F) vs Deception (E)

     Déception (F) means disappointment or let-down.
     Deception (E) is une tromperie or duperie.

Décevoir (F) vs Deceive (E)

     Décevoir (F) means to disappoint: Il va te décevoir - He's going to disappoint you.
     Deceive (E) means to deliberately trick or lead someone astray: I didn't mean to deceive you - Je n'avais pas l'intention de te tromper.

Défaut (F) vs Default (E)

     Défaut (F) is a flaw, fault, drawback, or lack.
     Default (E) is un défaut in judiciary proceedings. To default = manquer à ses engagements or prendre une valeur par défaut.

Défendre (F) vs Defend (E)

     Défendre (F) can mean to defend or to forbid (défense de fumer - no smoking).
     Defend (E) means défendre.

Défi (F) vs Defy (E)

     Défi (F) is a noun: defiance or challenge.
     Defy (E) is the verb défier or braver.

Défiler (F) vs Defile (E)

     Défiler (F) means to march past: les visiteurs défilaient devant le musée - The visitors marched past the museum. It can mean to unthread (a needle): Je dois défiler l'aiguille - I need to unthread the needle.
     Defile (E) is to dirty or deface something or to ruin someone's name: It's wrong to defile a great man - C'est mal de profaner un grand homme.

Délai/Délayer (F) vs Delay (E)

     Délai (F) is a time limit or deadline: dans un délai de 15 jours - within two weeks. Délayer (F) means to water down or thin, as in cooking or mixing paint.
     Delay (E) has a slightly negative connotation - it indicates that the time was unexpected and is usually translated by retard : They arrived with an hour's delay - Ils sont arrivés avec une heure de retard.

Délit (F) vs Delight (E)

     Un délit (F) = crime, offense, abuse, or misdemeanor.
     Delight (E) = un grand plaisir, une joie, un délice.

Délivrer (F) vs Deliver (E)

     Délivrer (F) means to set free, to rid someone of, or to issue.
     Deliver (E) = livrer, remettre, or distribuer.

Demander (F) vs Demand (E)

     Demander (F) means to ask for: Il m'a demandé de chercher son pull - He asked me to look for his sweater.
     Demand (E) is usually translated by exiger: He demanded that I look for his sweater - Il a exigé que je cherche son pull.

Démenti (F) vs Demented (E)

     Démenti (F) refers to a denial or refutation (démentir - to deny, refute).
     Demented (E) can mean dément, en démence, fou, or insensé.

Déranger (F) vs Derange (E)

     Déranger (F) in addition to derange (the mind), déranger means to bother, disturb, or disrupt.
     Derange (E) is used only when talking about mental health (usually as an adjective: deranged = dérangé).

Dérogation (F) vs Derogation (E)

     Dérogation (F) is a special dispensation or exemption.
     Derogation (E) refers to une atteinte or une réduction.

Dérogatoire (F) vs Derogatory (E)

     Dérogatoire (F) means dispensatory or exceptional (being an exception).
     Derogatory (E) = désobligeant, dénigrant, péjoratif.

Dessiner (F) vs Design (E)

     Dessiner (F) usually means to draw, but can also mean to lay out or design.
     Design (E) is a noun: un design, un stylisme, un plan - and a verb: concevoir, élaborer.

  Détail (F) vs Detail (E)

     Détail (F) is a semi-false cognate. In addition to detail, it can refer to retail.
     Detail (E) means détail or renseignements.

Devise (F) vs Devise (E)

     Devise (F) refers to currency or a slogan/motto.
     Devise (E) is a verb: imaginer, concevoir.

Diligent (F) vs Diligent (E)

     Diligent (F) is an archaic semi-false cognate - it meant diligent at one time and speedy or prompt at another.
     Diligent (E) means appliqué, assidu, or laborieux.

Dire (F) vs Dire (E)

     Dire (F) means to say or to tell.
     Dire (E) is an adjective which means affreux, terrible, or extrême.

Dispenser (F) vs Dispense (E)

     Dispenser (F) means to exempt or excuse.
     Dispense (E) can be translated by distribuer or offrir.

Disposer (F) vs Dispose (E)

     Disposer (F) means to arrange, to incline/dispose someone to, or (formally) to leave. Disposer de (F) means to have (at one's disposal).
     Dispose of (E) = se débarasser de, éliminer, jeter, renvoyer.

Divers (F) vs Divers (E)

     Divers (F) means diverse, varied, or several.
     Divers (E) is the plural of diver - plongeur.

Dot (F) vs Dot (E)

     Dot (F) is a dowry.
     Dot (E) is un point or un pois.

Douche (F) vs Douche (E)

     Douche (F) is a shower.
     Douche (E) refers to a method of cleaning a body cavity with air or water: lavage interne.

Douter (F) vs Doubt (E)

     Douter (F) means to doubt or be doubtful about, while se douter means to suspect or imagine.
     Doubt (E) = le doute, l'incertitude, douter

Draguer (F) vs Drag (E)

     Draguer (F) informally means to flirt. Formally, it means to fish with a dragnet or to dredge.
     Drag (E) means traîner or tirer.

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