How Much You Love Your Pet Could Determine How Sick You May Get
There have been documented cases from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of human exposure to diseases as a result of sleeping with, sharing a bed with, kissing, or being licked by pets.
Being licked or kissed by a pet is a common source of human infection.
This should be discouraged.
A dog or cat will eat their own vomit, and or feces, plus lick their private area with the same tongue that licked you.
Think about it, Do you really want to kiss your pet? A pet's saliva can harbor germs that may be fatal to humans.
There have been case studies of wounds that have been infected by licks from family pets.
Therefore, it is important to keep pets away from wounds, and your face.
Nevertheless, it could happen that your pet licks a wound.
Any open wound should be immediately washed with soap and water.
Watch out for signs of infection such as changes in color, puss, or inability to heal.
Then seek medical attention immediately.
It is recommended that pets not share beds with young children or those that have an immune deficiency.
Pets can also transmit diseases through infected fleas.
Therefore it is very important to keep pets healthy and clean.
It is also important to give them regular veterinary check-ups to make sure they are all right, and that will prevent any risks.
In conclusion, be sure to take care of your pets.
You can love them, but you don't have to kiss them.
Take care to wash and cover your wounds to prevent contamination.
Also, wash your hands after handling your pet.
Being licked or kissed by a pet is a common source of human infection.
This should be discouraged.
A dog or cat will eat their own vomit, and or feces, plus lick their private area with the same tongue that licked you.
Think about it, Do you really want to kiss your pet? A pet's saliva can harbor germs that may be fatal to humans.
There have been case studies of wounds that have been infected by licks from family pets.
Therefore, it is important to keep pets away from wounds, and your face.
Nevertheless, it could happen that your pet licks a wound.
Any open wound should be immediately washed with soap and water.
Watch out for signs of infection such as changes in color, puss, or inability to heal.
Then seek medical attention immediately.
It is recommended that pets not share beds with young children or those that have an immune deficiency.
Pets can also transmit diseases through infected fleas.
Therefore it is very important to keep pets healthy and clean.
It is also important to give them regular veterinary check-ups to make sure they are all right, and that will prevent any risks.
In conclusion, be sure to take care of your pets.
You can love them, but you don't have to kiss them.
Take care to wash and cover your wounds to prevent contamination.
Also, wash your hands after handling your pet.