How to Adjust the Rear Brakes on a 2000 Saturn
- 1). Place wheel chocks behind the front wheels to prevent vehicle from rolling during the repair work. Raise the rear of the vehicle, with a floor jack, until the wheels are off the ground. Position jack stands under the rear suspension, on the control arm near the wheel, and lower the floor jack until the vehicle is resting on the jack stands. Remove the rear wheels with the lug wrench, and store the wheels, with the lug nuts, in a place that is out of the way of the work area.
- 2). Remove the drums from the rear brake system. If it is stuck, make sure the parking brake is released, and hit the outer edge of the drum with several blows from a hammer. Locate the star wheel self adjuster, just below the wheel cylinder on the Saturn, and turn it to spread the shoes slightly. The shoes are adjusted properly when the drum will just slide onto the shoes. Reinstall the drums.
- 3). Reinstall the wheels and tighten the lug nuts securely. Raise the Saturn off the jack stands, with the floor jack, and remove the jack stands. Lower the car to the ground, and set the parking brake. If the rear shoes are properly adjusted, the parking brake lever will only move three to six clicks before holding. Tighten the lug nuts on the wheel one final time, remove the wheel chocks, and test drive.