Natural Treatment for Sleep Apnea - Will It Work for You?
Sleep apnea if untreated, not only affects your restful night's sleep, but also can cause serious health issues.
These health issues can include heart disease, diabetes and even strokes.
And while there are medical treatments available, such as the CPAP device or surgery, others look to a natural treatment for sleep apnea.
For sufferers looking for a natural treatment for this condition, there are several alternatives.
There are several lifestyle changes you can make that not only will help treat your medical condition, but will improve your overall health.
Of course, it's no secret that smoking is bad for you and those around you.
You can add one more health risk to smoking's long list of detriments, sleep apnea.
People who smoke are at greater risk of developing this condition.
By stopping smoking you are greatly improving your sleep apnea.
Do you need any more incentive to drop a few pounds? Losing weight will open up your throat thus allowing you to breathe better.
Sleeping on your back is the worst position for those who suffer from apnea.
To prevent yourself from rolling onto your back while you sleep, try sewing a tennis ball into a sash a fabric and tie around your waist, keeping the tennis ball on your back.
If you accidentally roll onto your back in the night, the tennis ball will force you to roll back onto your side.
There are also herbal and homeopathic remedies that are available as treatment.
Herbs such as Avena sativa, Scuttelaria laterifolia and Passiflora incarnata can be taken safely to treat chronic sleep problems.
Hypericum perforatuma, Schizandra chinesis, Calcium lactate, Magnesium lactate and Vitamin B6 can level out your seratonin which could possibly be an underlying cause of sleep problems.
These natural treatments not only will help your condition but can also improve your overall mental and emotional help and overall well being.
You can find a natural treatment for sleep apnea.
But as with most natural treatments, it does require a change in lifestyle.
This includes changes in diet and improving your nutrition.
In addition, making a conscious effort to reduce stress levels has proven to help some people.
Simple, low impact exercises, such as walking and swimming, has also shown to be helpful.
Regardless of what changes you personally make, you will need the determination and will power to make these necessary changes.
Your health is too important not to do this.
These health issues can include heart disease, diabetes and even strokes.
And while there are medical treatments available, such as the CPAP device or surgery, others look to a natural treatment for sleep apnea.
For sufferers looking for a natural treatment for this condition, there are several alternatives.
There are several lifestyle changes you can make that not only will help treat your medical condition, but will improve your overall health.
Of course, it's no secret that smoking is bad for you and those around you.
You can add one more health risk to smoking's long list of detriments, sleep apnea.
People who smoke are at greater risk of developing this condition.
By stopping smoking you are greatly improving your sleep apnea.
Do you need any more incentive to drop a few pounds? Losing weight will open up your throat thus allowing you to breathe better.
Sleeping on your back is the worst position for those who suffer from apnea.
To prevent yourself from rolling onto your back while you sleep, try sewing a tennis ball into a sash a fabric and tie around your waist, keeping the tennis ball on your back.
If you accidentally roll onto your back in the night, the tennis ball will force you to roll back onto your side.
There are also herbal and homeopathic remedies that are available as treatment.
Herbs such as Avena sativa, Scuttelaria laterifolia and Passiflora incarnata can be taken safely to treat chronic sleep problems.
Hypericum perforatuma, Schizandra chinesis, Calcium lactate, Magnesium lactate and Vitamin B6 can level out your seratonin which could possibly be an underlying cause of sleep problems.
These natural treatments not only will help your condition but can also improve your overall mental and emotional help and overall well being.
You can find a natural treatment for sleep apnea.
But as with most natural treatments, it does require a change in lifestyle.
This includes changes in diet and improving your nutrition.
In addition, making a conscious effort to reduce stress levels has proven to help some people.
Simple, low impact exercises, such as walking and swimming, has also shown to be helpful.
Regardless of what changes you personally make, you will need the determination and will power to make these necessary changes.
Your health is too important not to do this.