Is Article Marketing Worth the Time Involved?
Article marketing can be used to gain exposure on article directory websites which have large traffic counts and high Google page ranks.
Placing an article on an article directory site with a link to your website can bring a significant amount of traffic as well.
A third reason to include it among your writing tools is that people sometimes search these sites for articles that they would like to use on their own sites, or for writers that they can hire to write some articles for them.
Article marketing can also earn money from the directory sites.
Typically, there are two ways to make money with these directories and your articles.
Either they will pay for each click that your article gets, so every time someone reads your article you're making a little bit of money.
That may not seem like much, but over a period of time, it can add up to a considerable amount.
Post fifty or one hundred articles on article sites and it can add up to a significant amount.
Better still is that the articles will continue to earn money for quite some time.
The other way the sites pay is through the revenue that your ad generates for the site.
Say you have an article about post-secondary education; the article marketing site will have an ad system in place that will show visitors relevant ads that relate to your article.
In this case, college advertising, websites where you can buy textbooks and ads for financial aid might pop up.
When the visitor clicks on the ad, the site makes a little bit of money, and if the person makes a purchase, even more.
Article marketing is also called bum marketing by many people.
It was nicknamed bum marketing when one of the early believers in this form of marketing said that it was so easy a bum could do it.
The initial premise was to write a large amount of articles and submit them to a number of article directories to maximize the amount that each article earns.
Article marketing today also can be used to drive traffic to a website, blog, or product.
Wise practitioners will include anchor text for the keywords that they are targeting, and include links to those sites.
Keep in mind that many of the websites forbid affiliate links, so you'll need your own site to direct traffic to from your directory efforts.
You can use a free blog platform like Blogger or WordPress for this purpose, and simply redirect them with links to your affiliate or referral programs so that you can make some money from your article marketing.
Placing an article on an article directory site with a link to your website can bring a significant amount of traffic as well.
A third reason to include it among your writing tools is that people sometimes search these sites for articles that they would like to use on their own sites, or for writers that they can hire to write some articles for them.
Article marketing can also earn money from the directory sites.
Typically, there are two ways to make money with these directories and your articles.
Either they will pay for each click that your article gets, so every time someone reads your article you're making a little bit of money.
That may not seem like much, but over a period of time, it can add up to a considerable amount.
Post fifty or one hundred articles on article sites and it can add up to a significant amount.
Better still is that the articles will continue to earn money for quite some time.
The other way the sites pay is through the revenue that your ad generates for the site.
Say you have an article about post-secondary education; the article marketing site will have an ad system in place that will show visitors relevant ads that relate to your article.
In this case, college advertising, websites where you can buy textbooks and ads for financial aid might pop up.
When the visitor clicks on the ad, the site makes a little bit of money, and if the person makes a purchase, even more.
Article marketing is also called bum marketing by many people.
It was nicknamed bum marketing when one of the early believers in this form of marketing said that it was so easy a bum could do it.
The initial premise was to write a large amount of articles and submit them to a number of article directories to maximize the amount that each article earns.
Article marketing today also can be used to drive traffic to a website, blog, or product.
Wise practitioners will include anchor text for the keywords that they are targeting, and include links to those sites.
Keep in mind that many of the websites forbid affiliate links, so you'll need your own site to direct traffic to from your directory efforts.
You can use a free blog platform like Blogger or WordPress for this purpose, and simply redirect them with links to your affiliate or referral programs so that you can make some money from your article marketing.