Hedge Hyssop - The Healing Qualities of the Herb Revealed
Hedge hyssop is usually referred to as a very effective and helpful remedy to deal with 99 diseases.
People used to add it to almost every decoction and mixture.
Therefore, let us look at the healing qualities of the herb, thanks to which it has been used as the herbal remedy since primeval times.
People used to add it to almost every decoction and mixture.
Therefore, let us look at the healing qualities of the herb, thanks to which it has been used as the herbal remedy since primeval times.
- Hedge hyssop is a great remedy to treat stomach and intestine disorders, inflammations, diarrhea, liver diseases, gallbladder stones, kidney and urinary bladder diseases, concretion, diabetes and hemorrhoids.
Infuse a tablespoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water and continue to boil the tincture for 10 minutes.
Afterwards, leave the decoction to brew till it gets cold and decant it.
Drink half a glass 3 times a day. - Hedge hyssop oil can be used to deal with stomach ulcer.
Infuse 500 grams of the tops of the herb with a liter of sunflower seed oil and add half a liter of white vine.
Leave the mix to brew for 3 days.
Afterwards, volatilize the alcohol.
Take a tablespoon of the oil before meal or 3-4 hours after meal for 1-2 months. - In order to treat rheumatism, gout and sciatic neuritis, you should make hedge hyssop tincture.
Infuse 100 grams of the herb with half a liter of vodka at 40% concentration.
Leave the tincture to brew for 7 days and take 1-3 teaspoons of it per day. - Phthisis can be healed by using hedge hyssop blossom.
Infuse 2 tablespoons of blossoms of the herb with a liter of white vine and boil the tincture till 700 milliliters of the capacity remains.
Drink half a glass of the tincture once a day in the morning. - Hedge hyssop can be used to deal with angina, cough, grippe, cardiovascular diseases, short breath, cardiac insufficiency, dropsy, nervous state, anemia, headache, insomnia, spasms, uterine hemorrhage, irritation of the pudendum, heavy menstrual bleeding and inability to control urination.
Take 15-20 drops of hedge hyssop tincture 3 times a day.
The tincture can be bought at the drugstore.
In order to deal with enuresis (bed-wetting) in children you should make hedge hyssop decoction.
Infuse a tablespoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water and continue to boil the tincture for 10 minutes.
Afterwards, leave the decoction to brew till it gets cold and decant it.
Your child should drink a glass of the decoction once a day in the evening.