Men, Sex, and Aging
Men, Sex, and Aging
Guys, it’s a fact of life that as you get older, certain physical changes can impact your performance in the bedroom. You may find yourself thinking about sex less often, your erections may not be as robust, and you may not get turned on as easily as you did when you were younger.
The good news is that there are solutions to your sexual health worries. Here’s a look at common concerns and ways to restore your sex life.
Anger Control for Men
Life provides men with an endless supply of things to get angry about. There’s the sullen waitress who refuses to look in your direction while you wave desperately for the check. There’s the oaf who drifts across the road without ever using his blinker. There’s the dropped call, the tepid shower, the gum on the bottom of the shoe.While it’s perfectly natural to get angry about any of these things, anger comes to some men more naturally than others. For the hot-tempered, the pettiest annoyance results...
Read the Anger Control for Men article > >
Testosterone is the hormone that fuels a man’s sex drive. After age 40, men’s testosterone levels begin to decline. In many men, T levels gradually go down, along with libido.
If you lose your desire for sex or have erection problems, you could have low testosterone, a more serious health problem.
Lots of things can make low T more likely, including type 2 diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure, hormone disorders, damage to the testicles, and certain genetic conditions. Some medications can also affect your testosterone levels. T levels can also fall if you pack on too many pounds or drink too much alcohol.
A blood test will tell you if your T levels are low. If they are, and you have many of the symptoms linked to low T, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help boost your T levels and bring your sex drive back to normal. TRT comes in patch and gel form, and as long-lasting implants.
Testosterone therapy, however, should be used for medical reasons rather than the natural aging process. The FDA in March 2015 issued a safety announcement that prescription testosterone products are approved only for men who have low testosterone levels caused by certain medical conditions. "The benefit and safety of these medications have not been established for the treatment of low testosterone levels due to aging, even if a man’s symptoms seem related to low testosterone...” The FDA is requiring that manufacturers clarify the approved uses on medication labels and add that there is increased risk of heart attack and stroke in patients taking testosterone.
The good news is that there are solutions to your sexual health worries. Here’s a look at common concerns and ways to restore your sex life.
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Anger Control for Men
Life provides men with an endless supply of things to get angry about. There’s the sullen waitress who refuses to look in your direction while you wave desperately for the check. There’s the oaf who drifts across the road without ever using his blinker. There’s the dropped call, the tepid shower, the gum on the bottom of the shoe.While it’s perfectly natural to get angry about any of these things, anger comes to some men more naturally than others. For the hot-tempered, the pettiest annoyance results...
Read the Anger Control for Men article > >
Low Testosterone
Testosterone is the hormone that fuels a man’s sex drive. After age 40, men’s testosterone levels begin to decline. In many men, T levels gradually go down, along with libido.
If you lose your desire for sex or have erection problems, you could have low testosterone, a more serious health problem.
Lots of things can make low T more likely, including type 2 diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure, hormone disorders, damage to the testicles, and certain genetic conditions. Some medications can also affect your testosterone levels. T levels can also fall if you pack on too many pounds or drink too much alcohol.
A blood test will tell you if your T levels are low. If they are, and you have many of the symptoms linked to low T, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help boost your T levels and bring your sex drive back to normal. TRT comes in patch and gel form, and as long-lasting implants.
Testosterone therapy, however, should be used for medical reasons rather than the natural aging process. The FDA in March 2015 issued a safety announcement that prescription testosterone products are approved only for men who have low testosterone levels caused by certain medical conditions. "The benefit and safety of these medications have not been established for the treatment of low testosterone levels due to aging, even if a man’s symptoms seem related to low testosterone...” The FDA is requiring that manufacturers clarify the approved uses on medication labels and add that there is increased risk of heart attack and stroke in patients taking testosterone.