What Are Potted Herb Gardens
Potted herb gardens are a useful way to grow herbs for anyone. Because they are grown in portable containers, potted herb gardens are easy to pick up and relocate for the renter, fit easily in small spaces, can be moved to the best lit area in an available space, and are less expensive than having to create an herb garden in the ground.
Can I Have A Garden If I Rent?
Potted herb gardens are a good way for someone who is renting to grow a garden, without having access to their own garden plot.
Herbs grow very well in pots. They thrive on being a little root bound. When grown in pots, herbs can be watered individually, and plants that require a varied amount of water can live together.
Can I Garden If I Live In The City?
For urban gardeners, potted herb gardens are perfect. They can be placed in a sunny window, or the smallest of decks. Herbs can be moved to catch every bit of sunlight given in a day. Potting means that when it is too cold outside, they can be relocated indoors to continue to grow, without disturbing the roots.
Can I Grow A Potted Herb Garden If I Am A Beginner?
If you are just starting out, potted herb gardens are a great way to begin. It is much less expensive to fill a few pots with soil, than it is to cultivate and add nutrients to a garden plot in the ground. Potted herb gardens are the best of both worlds for the urban and rural gardener. They can help hide less attractive areas, can fill in harder to garden places, and can bring some of nature to anyone.