Tummy Tuck Surgery !
Most people think that there is only one version of a tummy tuck surgery -the one that leaves the huge scar across your lower abdomen below the panty line which involves extensive tightening of the abdominal muscles to the pubis bone and messing with your belly button. Also there is usually liposuction done as well to remove the excess fat. All of this is done when your body weight is more than 20% your ideal weight or the abdominal muscles require a lot of help.
Otherwise a secondary, less invasive option is available to you, and can be done in an outpatient setting. The doctor will recommend that you be within 10% of your ideal body weight. This version of tummy tuck surgery will be a smaller incision below the panty line, and leaves your belly button alone. Some liposuction may be used as well but this will be minimal.
Before you say ‘That is the surgery for me!' there are some requirements that need to happen first. To get a traditional tummy tuck surgery the doctors will expect you to be within 30% of your ideal body weight, so yes you will have to exercise and try to lose a majority of the weight beforehand. Tummy tuck surgery is not an alternative to exercise. Generally this is for people who have already done this and have excess skin or fat that just won't disappear no matter how hard or long they work at it also referred to as diet- and/ or exercise-resistant.
Also the doctor will want to make sure you aren't yo-yoing in your weight. So they will probably look for about 6 months of stable weight. They will also check your skin tone and elasticity to see how it will react to the surgery, if more or less will need to be removed.
Lastly the doctor will see if your expectations are reasonable and if you are emotionally stable to handle the surgery. They want you to be able to handle the post-op recovery and to understand any risks that maybe there. If you are an emotional wreck you may not understand these or completely misinterpret them. For your safety and the doctors this is a must.
When to consider any tummy tuck surgery? Well for the ladies this would be after you have had any kids you were planning on having. As a pregnancy will only stretch your skin out again and make the tummy tuck surgery pointless. But anyone who is of sound mind, within the weight requirements and fully understands the pros and any cons there maybe then they are good candidates for this surgery.
Otherwise a secondary, less invasive option is available to you, and can be done in an outpatient setting. The doctor will recommend that you be within 10% of your ideal body weight. This version of tummy tuck surgery will be a smaller incision below the panty line, and leaves your belly button alone. Some liposuction may be used as well but this will be minimal.
Before you say ‘That is the surgery for me!' there are some requirements that need to happen first. To get a traditional tummy tuck surgery the doctors will expect you to be within 30% of your ideal body weight, so yes you will have to exercise and try to lose a majority of the weight beforehand. Tummy tuck surgery is not an alternative to exercise. Generally this is for people who have already done this and have excess skin or fat that just won't disappear no matter how hard or long they work at it also referred to as diet- and/ or exercise-resistant.
Also the doctor will want to make sure you aren't yo-yoing in your weight. So they will probably look for about 6 months of stable weight. They will also check your skin tone and elasticity to see how it will react to the surgery, if more or less will need to be removed.
Lastly the doctor will see if your expectations are reasonable and if you are emotionally stable to handle the surgery. They want you to be able to handle the post-op recovery and to understand any risks that maybe there. If you are an emotional wreck you may not understand these or completely misinterpret them. For your safety and the doctors this is a must.
When to consider any tummy tuck surgery? Well for the ladies this would be after you have had any kids you were planning on having. As a pregnancy will only stretch your skin out again and make the tummy tuck surgery pointless. But anyone who is of sound mind, within the weight requirements and fully understands the pros and any cons there maybe then they are good candidates for this surgery.