Thyroid disease
Thyroid Disease can be medication or surgery. Some patients continue to relapse to drug therapy is still the possibility , at this time doctors will recommend surgical removal of the gland , remove the repeated recurrence of the discomfort . Different patients have different treatment modalities , it is recommended to hospitals and physicians can consult the best treatment.
Thyroid gland in the neck in front of the middle of the muscle layer of the skin and under the round -shaped cartilage located beneath the close tracheal cartilage .Divided into left and right thyroid lobe , the middle part called the isthmus , the length of the two leaf size4-5Centimeter, thickness1 Centimeter, re-15-20Gram.Thyroid will make the thyroid hormone (Thyroxine), in charge of metabolism, growth and development of various functions , essential elements of life
Uplift on the thyroid , Western may be diagnosed as hyperthyroidism (Hyperthyroidism) Or thyroid tumors and other diseases , traditional Chinese medicine is called gall disease causes qi stagnation with the same something to do with the liver . In fact, both sides of the thyroid in the throat , their path is the liver meridian , if liver qi stagnation , thyroid involvement will be easier . Qi stagnation no reason why together? Is also influenced by emotions , such emotions and internal injuries , long-term depression into account the rear thinking , mental stress , which will cause the air- block . Therefore, the size of the thyroid uplift will increase or decrease with changes in mood
Deputy Hyperthyroidism , " need diagnosis by ultrasound and nuclear medicine can be found , resection in addition to a high success rate , the resulting complications may also be very low. Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism commonly known as " hyperthyroidism "is over- active thyroid disease . This disease occurred in excess of thyroid hormone secretion , leading to rapid metabolic rate . A variety of body responses, including the digestive process , are accelerated.