How to Address Long-term Unemployment in Interviews
- 1). Stay busy during your unemployment. While you may not have been able to find a job, prospective employers are interested in how you spent your time. Consider volunteer work and furthering your education.
- 2). Practice and prepare for the interview. The way you carry yourself during the interview is critical: You do not want to seem rusty or nervous. Practice your answers to common questions such as “Tell me about yourself” and “Describe your weaknesses.”
- 3). Answer questions relating to your unemployment openly and honestly. Avoid getting defensive or making excuses. According to the Best-Job-Interview website, you can briefly state that you are actively looking for long-term prospects, not short-term paychecks.
- 4). Discuss the positives of your employment gap. For example, you could describe how you used the time to earn a new degree or master a new skill. This can be particularly advantageous if the new skill relates to the new job.
- 5). Be enthusiastic about the job at hand. Prospective employers may worry that you will jump ship for better prospects. Talk up the company and be genuine when describing why you want to work for that particular employer and what you can bring.