How to Clean the GE Profile Gas Range Stove Pans & Grates
- 1). Fill up the kitchen sink or a large tub with hot water. Add a quarter-sized amount of dish soap to the water. Mix the soap in until it becomes sudsy.
- 2). Place the grates from the stove into the soapy water. Allow them to soak while you clean the rest of the stove.
- 3). Run hot water over a rag. Squeeze a dime-sized amount of soap onto the wet rag and rub it in so it becomes sudsy.
- 4). Wipe the soapy rag over the top of the stove, soaking any hardened food with excess water from the rag.
- 5). Scrub the surface of the stove with a sponge to loosen up the hardened food. Rinse the sponge to remove any crumbs that have accumulated. Squeeze out the sponge before wiping down the stove again. Rinse the sponge and repeat the process until your stove top is clean. Wipe the stove dry with a dish towel.
- 6). Use the sponge to clean the stove grates that have been soaking. Remove any hardened food with the rough side of the sponge. Wipe off stains and soap residue with the soft side. Let the water drain out of the sink. Rinse the grates under the faucet until they're clean. Place them back on the stove top.