How to Get the Best Experience From Your HDTV Set
Sometimes our HDTV set is not matching our expectations or perhaps we are not experiencing what we thought we would when we made the decision to spent the extra money on a new HDTV set.
Here are some quick tips to help you improve your HDTV experience.
Proper illumination is very important.
Some models look their best in a dim light environments like LCDs while others require darker settings in order to get the beset possible image like Plasma screen TVs.
Sitting at a proper distance is one of the important factors in image quality.
The closer you site the more pixels become noticeable.
However sitting to far away may make the experience lose some fun.
Find a happy medium.
Do not sit at an extreme angle especially if you own an LCD HDTV.
These television sets distort colors at extreme angles affecting not only colors but the brightness itself leading to color distorted images.
This includes sitting too low or too high in front of the television set.
Colors on your HDTV should be calibrated from time to time.
This is very important since over time you may need to be calibrate it again.
There are products out there that are designed to aid in calibration.
Never try to calibrate without a calibration disc.
Contact a qualified technician if you do not know how to do it.
Watch from high definition sources.
If you use sources that are not in high definition you will not get any benefit from your set.
Good sources are BLU-RAY discs and channels transmitted in HD.
Standard definition signals may look even worst on your HDTV.
Check connections on your system.
Chipped of thorn cables allow interference to leek in from various sources.
Replace damages cables that are not in the best possible state with new ones.
Avoid using to many cable adapters in your set up.
Use your high definition television set in a proper sound environment.
Too much noise will ruin your experience.
Try installing your television set in an area of the house that is far from the street.
If this is not possible you may consider some sound insulation on the windows of your television room.
As you can see most of the time an HDTV is not performing to our expectations because we have not taken the proper measures to optimize our viewing environment or we may not be aware of simple things that may be degrading our experience.
Here are some quick tips to help you improve your HDTV experience.
Proper illumination is very important.
Some models look their best in a dim light environments like LCDs while others require darker settings in order to get the beset possible image like Plasma screen TVs.
Sitting at a proper distance is one of the important factors in image quality.
The closer you site the more pixels become noticeable.
However sitting to far away may make the experience lose some fun.
Find a happy medium.
Do not sit at an extreme angle especially if you own an LCD HDTV.
These television sets distort colors at extreme angles affecting not only colors but the brightness itself leading to color distorted images.
This includes sitting too low or too high in front of the television set.
Colors on your HDTV should be calibrated from time to time.
This is very important since over time you may need to be calibrate it again.
There are products out there that are designed to aid in calibration.
Never try to calibrate without a calibration disc.
Contact a qualified technician if you do not know how to do it.
Watch from high definition sources.
If you use sources that are not in high definition you will not get any benefit from your set.
Good sources are BLU-RAY discs and channels transmitted in HD.
Standard definition signals may look even worst on your HDTV.
Check connections on your system.
Chipped of thorn cables allow interference to leek in from various sources.
Replace damages cables that are not in the best possible state with new ones.
Avoid using to many cable adapters in your set up.
Use your high definition television set in a proper sound environment.
Too much noise will ruin your experience.
Try installing your television set in an area of the house that is far from the street.
If this is not possible you may consider some sound insulation on the windows of your television room.
As you can see most of the time an HDTV is not performing to our expectations because we have not taken the proper measures to optimize our viewing environment or we may not be aware of simple things that may be degrading our experience.