"How Do I Make My Penis Bigger?" - A Truth and Two Lies
Penis enlargement is tricky, and that's an understatement.
Every website you visit will try and portray themselves as the "miracle solution" you've been looking for, and it can be very difficult to know who is telling you the truth and who isn't.
This is article is meant to break down how penis enlargement actually works, which methods you should avoid if you don't want to be throwing your money away, and also provide you with a real answer to the "how do I make my penis bigger?" question.
First of all, it's important that you know how your penis works so that you can better understand why some methods of penis enlargement work and why others don't.
Your penis is made up of three chambers.
Each of these chambers fills with blood during sexual arousal; this results in the hard feeling of an erection.
These chambers are so important to penis enlargement because they amount of blood they carry limits your maximum erect size.
No matter what you are told, you simply can't permanently enlarge your penis without increasing the size of these chambers.
Just To Recap: Bigger Chambers = A Bigger Penis Next we will look at why certain methods work while others don't.
Lie #1) Penis Pills: Penis enlargement pills make me angry.
I tried to so many of these things before realizing that they were a scam and if I had known what I'm about to tell you it would have been obvious that they wouldn't make my penis bigger at all.
The extracts and ingredients in penis enlargement pills only increase blood flow to the penis.
This means that you may experience harder or "fuller" erections, but nothing about these pills is going to make your chamber tissues grow.
No matter what is promised, please steer clear of this method.
Lie #2) Stretchers and Devices: Stretchers, pumps and weights all are dangerous.
Most websites will try and convince you that wearing a piece of plastic on your penis all day is comfortable, trust me it's not.
Pumps are the most dangerous of them all, often resulting in burst blood vessels and injuries.
While some stretchers have been able to achieve a little bit of growth, most men as disappointed because the growth is only in one direction and therefore the result is a skinny and unattractive penis.
The Truth) Penis Enlargement Exercises The only method that truly worked to enlarge my penis size permanently was that of penis exercises.
Exercises involve the use of your hands to move blood through the penis in targeted motions.
These exercises work because the chambers of the penis respond to exercising much like a muscle does elsewhere in the body.
When a stress is introduced, the body often responds by increasing cell growth in affected area (this is why biceps become larger when lifting weights).
Every website you visit will try and portray themselves as the "miracle solution" you've been looking for, and it can be very difficult to know who is telling you the truth and who isn't.
This is article is meant to break down how penis enlargement actually works, which methods you should avoid if you don't want to be throwing your money away, and also provide you with a real answer to the "how do I make my penis bigger?" question.
First of all, it's important that you know how your penis works so that you can better understand why some methods of penis enlargement work and why others don't.
Your penis is made up of three chambers.
Each of these chambers fills with blood during sexual arousal; this results in the hard feeling of an erection.
These chambers are so important to penis enlargement because they amount of blood they carry limits your maximum erect size.
No matter what you are told, you simply can't permanently enlarge your penis without increasing the size of these chambers.
Just To Recap: Bigger Chambers = A Bigger Penis Next we will look at why certain methods work while others don't.
Lie #1) Penis Pills: Penis enlargement pills make me angry.
I tried to so many of these things before realizing that they were a scam and if I had known what I'm about to tell you it would have been obvious that they wouldn't make my penis bigger at all.
The extracts and ingredients in penis enlargement pills only increase blood flow to the penis.
This means that you may experience harder or "fuller" erections, but nothing about these pills is going to make your chamber tissues grow.
No matter what is promised, please steer clear of this method.
Lie #2) Stretchers and Devices: Stretchers, pumps and weights all are dangerous.
Most websites will try and convince you that wearing a piece of plastic on your penis all day is comfortable, trust me it's not.
Pumps are the most dangerous of them all, often resulting in burst blood vessels and injuries.
While some stretchers have been able to achieve a little bit of growth, most men as disappointed because the growth is only in one direction and therefore the result is a skinny and unattractive penis.
The Truth) Penis Enlargement Exercises The only method that truly worked to enlarge my penis size permanently was that of penis exercises.
Exercises involve the use of your hands to move blood through the penis in targeted motions.
These exercises work because the chambers of the penis respond to exercising much like a muscle does elsewhere in the body.
When a stress is introduced, the body often responds by increasing cell growth in affected area (this is why biceps become larger when lifting weights).