Love is a Verb
Myths and legends are filled with this.
Novels and plays deal with this subject as do songs an music, poems, films and TV series.
It is a verb, it is a force, it is necessary and it can be exasperating and all enriching at the same time.
Everybody needs love and it is food for the soul.
And yet some of the worst things that people do are done in the name of love.
Cruelty, abuse and wars for the love of God.
Love, and this goes way beyond the act of love (which is simple an expression of love - a beautiful expression, but an expression just the same) implies commitment, respect, admiration, generosity and even being the best possible me for you.
Love goes beyond the me but cannot be separate form me.
And yet as time goes by relationships falter as they seem to lose the passion and the focus of the first love.
It can be because of familiarity (they do say it breeds contempt)or just simply because we take the other person for granted.
When self becomes the center point of the relationship then the road to happiness and fulfillment begins to suffer and unless there is a change in attitude it will end up being frustrating to all and many times the sharp edge of cruelty and the wish to hurt will begin to dominate the relationship.
And yet this should not happen and in fact goes against everything we believed in the beginning.
Many couples go to marriage counselors and this is good.
At least it shows they are looking for a solution.
Others get caught up in their own internal turmoil and others become victims of their own inferno.
We sometimes forget that the need and capacity to love is a God given gift - everybody has both the need and the capacity.
It is a driving force in our loves, not to be confused with sex as sometimes happens.
Love is a gift and as such needs to be respected and we need to work at love.
It is not a thing that you spring clean once a year.
It is a force, a verb, within us and as such we must nurture and take care of it as we take care of ourselves.
Loving somebody is a decision and when two people decide to join together for life, it should be just that, for life.
Nobody said it was easy but it should not be that hard either.
It is a gift full of joy and as long as we take care of the love between each other, love will take care of us.
A simple way of doing this is to remember the love, not the reason or how your partner was), but the love that brought you together and then do a little something you know will please the love of your life.
Novels and plays deal with this subject as do songs an music, poems, films and TV series.
It is a verb, it is a force, it is necessary and it can be exasperating and all enriching at the same time.
Everybody needs love and it is food for the soul.
And yet some of the worst things that people do are done in the name of love.
Cruelty, abuse and wars for the love of God.
Love, and this goes way beyond the act of love (which is simple an expression of love - a beautiful expression, but an expression just the same) implies commitment, respect, admiration, generosity and even being the best possible me for you.
Love goes beyond the me but cannot be separate form me.
And yet as time goes by relationships falter as they seem to lose the passion and the focus of the first love.
It can be because of familiarity (they do say it breeds contempt)or just simply because we take the other person for granted.
When self becomes the center point of the relationship then the road to happiness and fulfillment begins to suffer and unless there is a change in attitude it will end up being frustrating to all and many times the sharp edge of cruelty and the wish to hurt will begin to dominate the relationship.
And yet this should not happen and in fact goes against everything we believed in the beginning.
Many couples go to marriage counselors and this is good.
At least it shows they are looking for a solution.
Others get caught up in their own internal turmoil and others become victims of their own inferno.
We sometimes forget that the need and capacity to love is a God given gift - everybody has both the need and the capacity.
It is a driving force in our loves, not to be confused with sex as sometimes happens.
Love is a gift and as such needs to be respected and we need to work at love.
It is not a thing that you spring clean once a year.
It is a force, a verb, within us and as such we must nurture and take care of it as we take care of ourselves.
Loving somebody is a decision and when two people decide to join together for life, it should be just that, for life.
Nobody said it was easy but it should not be that hard either.
It is a gift full of joy and as long as we take care of the love between each other, love will take care of us.
A simple way of doing this is to remember the love, not the reason or how your partner was), but the love that brought you together and then do a little something you know will please the love of your life.