Lyme Disease Still a Threat to Many States This Summer
Lyme Disease Still a Threat to Many States This Summer
To help prevent Lyme disease, people living in high-risk areas should avoid tick-infested areas, says Hayes. Also, early detection and removal of ticks is important. If it's necessary to go into high risk areas, use repellant and check for ticks at the end of the day.
"Prompt removal of ticks will help avoid infection, because the tick has to be attached for two to three days for infection to occur," he says.
The CDC also is testing bait devices that give deer or rodents a pesticide application, says Hayes. These devices are not yet commercially available.
Lyme Disease Still a Threat to Many States This Summer
To help prevent Lyme disease, people living in high-risk areas should avoid tick-infested areas, says Hayes. Also, early detection and removal of ticks is important. If it's necessary to go into high risk areas, use repellant and check for ticks at the end of the day.
"Prompt removal of ticks will help avoid infection, because the tick has to be attached for two to three days for infection to occur," he says.
The CDC also is testing bait devices that give deer or rodents a pesticide application, says Hayes. These devices are not yet commercially available.