Infant Massage: Massage Child (Ren) Up to the Year
First year baby massage includes basic techniques: stroking; rubbing; kneading; vibration.
Since the skin of an infant is very delicate and thin, so you should first apply sparing massage techniques (stroking) and then gradually you can enter the rest of the techniques (rubbing and a slight vibration in the form of shaking and shaking), and kneading.
Stroking is executed at the beginning of any session of massage and is held in order to prepare the massaged area to the other elements and techniques of massage. Stroking stimulates blood circulation and thereby improves blood flow to tissues and organs. Stroking calms the nervous system, causing muscle relaxation, helps relieve pain. You need to make stroking with your hand or dorsum of the hand in the direction of lymph flow to nearby lymph nodes. On the lower limbs, movements are performed from the foot to the groin, and on the top - from the wrist to the axilla. Stroking should be performed slowly with smooth and easy movements, pushing slightly on massaged surface.
Stroking hands: massage breast- child (ren)
The child should be put on the back, the therapist has to stand up to his feet. Lift left hand of the child with your right hand, then with your left hand make stroking the inner and outer surfaces of the hands, moving from wrist to shoulder. Then the same movements, make stroking the right-hand of the child. What do you know about Digi Face Dorsale? Watch video right now.
Rubbing the inner and outer surfaces can be simultaneously using the technique bows stroking, in which the inner surface of the hand us massaged with your thumb, and the outer - with the other fingers.
Stroking the feet: massage breast- child (ren)
Original position of the child when performing stroking the fee - is lying on his back. Put child's right foot on the child's palm of his left hand. With your right hand make stroking the outside and make the back of the leg and thigh. Movement should be done from the foot to the thigh. Stroking the patella is not recommended. Then perform stroking his left foot in the same way.
Massage of the lower limbs can be made using bows stroking, in this case, the thumb will be stroking the side of a child's leg, and the other fingers - back surface.
Stroking belly: massage breast- child (ren)
Starting position - is lying on his back. The massage begins with circular strokes clockwise. You may make stroking with the Palmar surface of the hand. When performing stroking, you should avoid pressure on the liver area. You should then make stroking child's obliques, massaging movements should be directed toward the side of the spine and the navel.
After stroking belly you should start stroking his chest, which is necessary to produce with palm or back surfaces of the fingers of both hands. Movements should be carried out in a circular motion (with right hand clockwise and with left - counterclockwise) around the nipples.
Since the skin of an infant is very delicate and thin, so you should first apply sparing massage techniques (stroking) and then gradually you can enter the rest of the techniques (rubbing and a slight vibration in the form of shaking and shaking), and kneading.
Stroking is executed at the beginning of any session of massage and is held in order to prepare the massaged area to the other elements and techniques of massage. Stroking stimulates blood circulation and thereby improves blood flow to tissues and organs. Stroking calms the nervous system, causing muscle relaxation, helps relieve pain. You need to make stroking with your hand or dorsum of the hand in the direction of lymph flow to nearby lymph nodes. On the lower limbs, movements are performed from the foot to the groin, and on the top - from the wrist to the axilla. Stroking should be performed slowly with smooth and easy movements, pushing slightly on massaged surface.
Stroking hands: massage breast- child (ren)
The child should be put on the back, the therapist has to stand up to his feet. Lift left hand of the child with your right hand, then with your left hand make stroking the inner and outer surfaces of the hands, moving from wrist to shoulder. Then the same movements, make stroking the right-hand of the child. What do you know about Digi Face Dorsale? Watch video right now.
Rubbing the inner and outer surfaces can be simultaneously using the technique bows stroking, in which the inner surface of the hand us massaged with your thumb, and the outer - with the other fingers.
Stroking the feet: massage breast- child (ren)
Original position of the child when performing stroking the fee - is lying on his back. Put child's right foot on the child's palm of his left hand. With your right hand make stroking the outside and make the back of the leg and thigh. Movement should be done from the foot to the thigh. Stroking the patella is not recommended. Then perform stroking his left foot in the same way.
Massage of the lower limbs can be made using bows stroking, in this case, the thumb will be stroking the side of a child's leg, and the other fingers - back surface.
Stroking belly: massage breast- child (ren)
Starting position - is lying on his back. The massage begins with circular strokes clockwise. You may make stroking with the Palmar surface of the hand. When performing stroking, you should avoid pressure on the liver area. You should then make stroking child's obliques, massaging movements should be directed toward the side of the spine and the navel.
After stroking belly you should start stroking his chest, which is necessary to produce with palm or back surfaces of the fingers of both hands. Movements should be carried out in a circular motion (with right hand clockwise and with left - counterclockwise) around the nipples.