Books on Water Treatments and Water Engineering
I have compiled a list of book reviews on water treatments and water engineering technologies and procedures for students and professionals alike.
Hope this will help for references and guidance in learning and solving problems.
Principles of Industrial Water Treatment - 1985 Drew This book provides the reader with up to date information on various water treatment subjects.
The authors from Drew Chemical Corporation managed to present the principles upon which various industrial water treatment practices are based, in an understandable fashion.
With a broad coverage, this book addresses a wide spectrum of water treatment industrial practices.
Wastewater Engineering - treatment, disposal and reuse - Tchobanoglous and Burton An extensive volume focusing more on wastewater and water recycling.
A Good quality examples and solutions, discussion topics and problems it has more than thirteen thousand pages.
Basic Water Treatment - Thomas Telford Publishing - C.
Binnie - M.
Kimber - G.
Smethurst This book has been targeted for university students, and also for the practicing water treatment engineers, for whom it will be a useful reference book, and a mechanical engineers and chemists who need to put their specialized knowledge into a boarder framework.
It provides essential background and is a useful first choice reference book for many aspects of water quality and water treatments.
Filters and Filtration Handbook - Christopher Dickinson A book of practical guide for engineers, managers and specifiers, incorporating in volume essential and useful information on the physical water purification techniques filtration and separation.
Boiler Water Treatment FAQ - Praveen Verma This book offers a fundamental understanding of boiler operations on a wide variety of boilers.
It is geared towards the novice operator or for as a learning guide.
Comes handy to solve any boiler problem quickly and easily.
Illustrating on the immense knowledge and experience of the most respected firms in the industry, this book is the first major reference on the science of water treatment in several decades.
It covers both the practical and academic aspects of water quality analysis, treatment plant procedures.
Systems Analysis for Water Technology - By Gujer, Willi This book deals in a to the point format the methods used to develop mathematical models for water and wastewater treatment.
It provides a systematic approach to mass balances, transport and transformation processes, kinetics, stoichiometry, reactor hydraulics, residence time distribution, heterogeneous systems, and the dynamic behavior of reactors, error propagation, parameter identification, error analysis, process control, time series analysis, stochastic modeling and probabilistic design.
Written as a textbook it is mainly intended to support graduate and doctoral students in environmental engineering, but may also serve as a valuable resource for academics and practitioners similarly.
Hope this will help for references and guidance in learning and solving problems.
Principles of Industrial Water Treatment - 1985 Drew This book provides the reader with up to date information on various water treatment subjects.
The authors from Drew Chemical Corporation managed to present the principles upon which various industrial water treatment practices are based, in an understandable fashion.
With a broad coverage, this book addresses a wide spectrum of water treatment industrial practices.
Wastewater Engineering - treatment, disposal and reuse - Tchobanoglous and Burton An extensive volume focusing more on wastewater and water recycling.
A Good quality examples and solutions, discussion topics and problems it has more than thirteen thousand pages.
Basic Water Treatment - Thomas Telford Publishing - C.
Binnie - M.
Kimber - G.
Smethurst This book has been targeted for university students, and also for the practicing water treatment engineers, for whom it will be a useful reference book, and a mechanical engineers and chemists who need to put their specialized knowledge into a boarder framework.
It provides essential background and is a useful first choice reference book for many aspects of water quality and water treatments.
Filters and Filtration Handbook - Christopher Dickinson A book of practical guide for engineers, managers and specifiers, incorporating in volume essential and useful information on the physical water purification techniques filtration and separation.
Boiler Water Treatment FAQ - Praveen Verma This book offers a fundamental understanding of boiler operations on a wide variety of boilers.
It is geared towards the novice operator or for as a learning guide.
Comes handy to solve any boiler problem quickly and easily.
Illustrating on the immense knowledge and experience of the most respected firms in the industry, this book is the first major reference on the science of water treatment in several decades.
It covers both the practical and academic aspects of water quality analysis, treatment plant procedures.
Systems Analysis for Water Technology - By Gujer, Willi This book deals in a to the point format the methods used to develop mathematical models for water and wastewater treatment.
It provides a systematic approach to mass balances, transport and transformation processes, kinetics, stoichiometry, reactor hydraulics, residence time distribution, heterogeneous systems, and the dynamic behavior of reactors, error propagation, parameter identification, error analysis, process control, time series analysis, stochastic modeling and probabilistic design.
Written as a textbook it is mainly intended to support graduate and doctoral students in environmental engineering, but may also serve as a valuable resource for academics and practitioners similarly.