Pregnancy & Acid Reflux
- According to the American College of Gastroenterology, approximately 50 percent of pregnant women experience acid reflux problems or heartburn. For most women, this is often their first experience with the condition, and the condition fades after pregnancy. Both the hormones associated with the pregnancy and pressure on the stomach and digestive organs as a result of the growing fetus cause this heartburn to occur.
- One of the best ways to manage acid reflux during pregnancy is to alter your diet. Refrain from drinking alcoholic, carbonated or caffeinated beverages. Avoid acidic foods, including tomatoes, vinegar, mint and citrus fruits. Refrain from eating processed foods and meats, greasy food, fried food and spicy food. Eat several small meals periodically instead of larger meals. Do not drink beverages while eating, and chew gum after to facilitate faster digestion.
Numerous over-the-counter antacid medications and acid blockers also are available; however, you should consult with a doctor prior to taking any medication while pregnant. - Certain lifestyle changes can minimize acid reflux. Avoid eating between two and three hours before you lie down or go to bed, since lying flat while digestion is occurring can cause more acid to enter the stomach. Avoid gaining excessive weight during pregnancy, and try to maintain a regular exercise schedule. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and refrain from bending at the waist if possible. Finally, don't smoke cigarettes.
Why Does Pregnancy Cause Relux
Diet & Medication
Lifestyle Changes