Want to Know the Most Effective Way to Housebreak a Puppy?
Want to learn the most effective technique to housebreaking a puppy? There are a lot of different methods dog owners use to potty train a puppy. Some dog owners use a clicker training to housebreak a dog or use puppy pads and hope that the dog will understand you can eliminate only as long as it's on the puppy pad (this is the least effective way.) If you're interested in discovering the most successful way to housebreak a dog, than this article is written just for you.
The Most Effective Technique and Why
Did you know that dog's are den animals? This means that soiling their resting area is the very last place they would eliminate. With that said, crate training is the most effective and successful way to potty train a dog. There are also other great benefits to crate training your dog.
Crate training provides a place for your dog to feel safe and secure while you're away. Separation anxiety occurs to most dogs to a certain degree and with crate training, you'll less likely see destructive behaviors that aligns with dog separation anxiety. People who take advantage of their dog's instinctual behaviors are more successful to housebreaking their pet.
Where to Start
First, you're going to have to get a crate or pen for your puppy. Make sure that your dog will comfortably fit inside their crate once it's full grown. You're not going to want to purchase a medium size crate for a St. Bernard or a Mastiff. Once you get your crate, now it's time to introduce your pet to the crate
Introducing the Crate
Word of advise, never ever force your dog into the crate or use the crate as a form of punishment. You want your dog to be able to associate great and rewarding experiences to his crate, after all it's going to be his area for security while you're away.
Also, keep in mind that a puppy or dog should never be left in his crate for longer than he can hold his bladder. As a general rule, puppies can only hold their bladder for how many months old they are plus 1 hour. For example, if your puppy is 3 months old, don't expect your dog to hold on for more than 4 hours. If your puppy is 4 months old, your puppy can hold on to his bladder for not more than 5 hours. You will have to come home on your lunch break to take your puppy out to relieve himself.
A common mistake that dog owners do when crate training their puppy is putting food or water in their crate. Since you'll be home in a few hours, you can feed your dog when then. Only put in a toy and a comfortable blanket of some sort inside you're dog's crate.
These are just a few important things to keep in mind when crate training your puppy. Remember, it will take a few weeks of consistent practice and patience to see results.
The Most Effective Technique and Why
Did you know that dog's are den animals? This means that soiling their resting area is the very last place they would eliminate. With that said, crate training is the most effective and successful way to potty train a dog. There are also other great benefits to crate training your dog.
Crate training provides a place for your dog to feel safe and secure while you're away. Separation anxiety occurs to most dogs to a certain degree and with crate training, you'll less likely see destructive behaviors that aligns with dog separation anxiety. People who take advantage of their dog's instinctual behaviors are more successful to housebreaking their pet.
Where to Start
First, you're going to have to get a crate or pen for your puppy. Make sure that your dog will comfortably fit inside their crate once it's full grown. You're not going to want to purchase a medium size crate for a St. Bernard or a Mastiff. Once you get your crate, now it's time to introduce your pet to the crate
Introducing the Crate
Word of advise, never ever force your dog into the crate or use the crate as a form of punishment. You want your dog to be able to associate great and rewarding experiences to his crate, after all it's going to be his area for security while you're away.
Also, keep in mind that a puppy or dog should never be left in his crate for longer than he can hold his bladder. As a general rule, puppies can only hold their bladder for how many months old they are plus 1 hour. For example, if your puppy is 3 months old, don't expect your dog to hold on for more than 4 hours. If your puppy is 4 months old, your puppy can hold on to his bladder for not more than 5 hours. You will have to come home on your lunch break to take your puppy out to relieve himself.
A common mistake that dog owners do when crate training their puppy is putting food or water in their crate. Since you'll be home in a few hours, you can feed your dog when then. Only put in a toy and a comfortable blanket of some sort inside you're dog's crate.
These are just a few important things to keep in mind when crate training your puppy. Remember, it will take a few weeks of consistent practice and patience to see results.