About Revolution Flea Products
- The Revolution veterinary flea medication contains a substance called selamectin. This chemical protects dogs and cats from a variety of parasites. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the product comes in two strengths, which either contain 60mg of selamectin per milliliter or 120mg per ml.
The product kills fleas, prevents flea eggs maturing and protects against ear mites and heartworm in both cats and dogs. However, the product is not effective in completely removing adult heartworms. In cats, the product also treats hookworm and roundworm infestation. Treated dogs are also protected against the American dog tick and sarcoptic mange. - According to the manufacturer, Revolution medication should be applied once a month to the dog or cat to control parasitical infestation and prevent potential illness. The product is contained in individual tubes, which the owner squeezes onto the skin of the pet. The veterinary website Vet.com advises placing a spot in front of the shoulder blades of the pet. The dog or cat absorbs the treatment through the skin into the bloodstream where it is transported around the body to protect the entire skin from parasites and controls worms already present in the body tissues.
The amount of Revolution each dog or cat needs depends on the weight of the animal. The FDA specifies a dose of 2.7 mg per pound of body weight for dogs and cats. The product is available in several different dosage strengths for puppies and dogs of various sizes.
According to the manufacturer, the product dries quickly and is effective even if a pet is washed or becomes wet two hours later. - The pharmaceutical company Pfizer makes the anti-parasitical treatment. The FDA approved the medication for use in dogs over the age of 6 weeks old and cats over the age of 8 weeks old. Under federal law in the United States as of April 2011, a veterinarian must prescribe the treatment to pet owners.
- Less than 1 percent of animals treated with Revolution show signs of digestive issues after treatment, according to Pfizer. About 1 percent of cats lose hair at the site of application but this is temporary. The medication should not be used on animals that are weak, underweight or ill.
Veterinary Uses
Method Of Application
Manufacturer and Approval
Product Risks