How to Nail Studs
- 1). Lay both studs on edge on a flat surface. Measure and mark with a pencil where the studs will connect. If they are connecting at the ends press them together at each end. If not, draw a line across the stud that will be connecting along the middle and push the other stud up against the pencil mark.
- 2). Line up the first framing nail on the top part of the stud. Hold it in the middle with your nondominant hand and set the hammer flush on the nail head. Come down on the head with the hammer to drive it into the stud. Remove you hand and fingers that were holding the nail from the area.
- 3). Strike the nail again to drive it through the first stud and into the second. Hit it until it is flush with the top stud. Line up the second nail next to the first and install it in the same manner. Drive it in with a hammer until it is flush with the top stud.
- 4). Grip the two studs that have been nailed together and gently pull on them to make sure they are properly secure. Add a third nail between the first two, if necessary, to further secure the studs together.