Get a Bigger Penis With Simple Hand Exercises - SERIOUSLY This Works Better Than Anything Else!
If you're wondering how to get a bigger penis, you can actually achieve this fairly easily in a matter of just a few short weeks.
No I am not talking about popping penis pills until you rattle, nor am I asking you to attach some ridiculous contraption to your manhood for many hours a day.
I'm not even asking you to consider spending all your savings on the most dangerous method - surgery! If you really want to make your penis bigger, you will not find a better alternative than using hand exercises! Penis enlargement exercises (to give them their official name) have been a proven way to make your penis bigger for many years.
In actual fact penis exercises were first used many centuries ago in some of the Middle-Eastern countries.
Men wanted to appear more masculine and they thought the way to do this was to get a bigger penis! So how exactly can exercises increase your penis size? Firstly the penis has 2 large blood holding chambers situated on the upper shaft.
It is these chambers that fill with blood whenever you get an erection.
When your penis returns to a flaccid state, these chambers will have then released the blood.
Through careful manipulation and exercise, you can actually enlarge these chambers over time.
Many exercises involve flooding the penis with blood, which will initially pump up these chambers to a far larger than usual size.
Over the course of a few weeks, these stretchy tissues can get bigger through regular exercise.
The penis is also held in place by a series of ligaments.
We have proof from many of the ancient African and Asian tribal people that ligament stretching is possible.
The most famous must be the "giraffe women" of Myanmar.
These women over a period of years have learned how to stretch and elongate their neck ligaments to extraordinary levels.
Some of these women can boast a neck length in excess of 10 inches.
You can use certain exercises to once again stretch and manipulate your ligaments and eventually you will get a bigger penis.
One of the most favorable outcomes of using penis exercises is not only can they make your penis bigger, they can vastly improve the strength of the pubic muscles.
So what does this mean? The stronger your pubic muscles are the more control you have over your penis.
This could mean that you can produce erections on demand.
You should be able to keep that erection up for a lot longer and your sexual stamina will also increase.
You are likely to be able to last much longer in bed and may even be able to control when you ejaculate.
As I have mentioned there are various other ways to get a bigger penis, however, none of the others have specific scientific evidence to back them up.
Penis exercises have had various experiments conducted on them and all of the have proved successful.
So if you really want to make your penis bigger, in my opinion, exercises will work better than anything else!
No I am not talking about popping penis pills until you rattle, nor am I asking you to attach some ridiculous contraption to your manhood for many hours a day.
I'm not even asking you to consider spending all your savings on the most dangerous method - surgery! If you really want to make your penis bigger, you will not find a better alternative than using hand exercises! Penis enlargement exercises (to give them their official name) have been a proven way to make your penis bigger for many years.
In actual fact penis exercises were first used many centuries ago in some of the Middle-Eastern countries.
Men wanted to appear more masculine and they thought the way to do this was to get a bigger penis! So how exactly can exercises increase your penis size? Firstly the penis has 2 large blood holding chambers situated on the upper shaft.
It is these chambers that fill with blood whenever you get an erection.
When your penis returns to a flaccid state, these chambers will have then released the blood.
Through careful manipulation and exercise, you can actually enlarge these chambers over time.
Many exercises involve flooding the penis with blood, which will initially pump up these chambers to a far larger than usual size.
Over the course of a few weeks, these stretchy tissues can get bigger through regular exercise.
The penis is also held in place by a series of ligaments.
We have proof from many of the ancient African and Asian tribal people that ligament stretching is possible.
The most famous must be the "giraffe women" of Myanmar.
These women over a period of years have learned how to stretch and elongate their neck ligaments to extraordinary levels.
Some of these women can boast a neck length in excess of 10 inches.
You can use certain exercises to once again stretch and manipulate your ligaments and eventually you will get a bigger penis.
One of the most favorable outcomes of using penis exercises is not only can they make your penis bigger, they can vastly improve the strength of the pubic muscles.
So what does this mean? The stronger your pubic muscles are the more control you have over your penis.
This could mean that you can produce erections on demand.
You should be able to keep that erection up for a lot longer and your sexual stamina will also increase.
You are likely to be able to last much longer in bed and may even be able to control when you ejaculate.
As I have mentioned there are various other ways to get a bigger penis, however, none of the others have specific scientific evidence to back them up.
Penis exercises have had various experiments conducted on them and all of the have proved successful.
So if you really want to make your penis bigger, in my opinion, exercises will work better than anything else!