What Are the Treatments for Severe Osteoarthritis of Knees?
- Osteoarthritis is most often known as the wear-and-tear form of arthritis. It is a slow and progressive degenerative disease that wears away the tough, lubricated cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in the joints.
- A Cox-2 inhibitor, like Celebrex, and corticosteroids are prescribed for severe pain; corticosteroids are injected into the joint. NSAIDs, in both prescription and over-the-counter forms, are recommended; these include Motrin, Aleve and Advil.
- Acupuncture may relieve the pain of osteoarthritis in some individuals. Another alternative treatment is magnetic pulse therapy which works by sending pulsed signals to the osteoarthritic areas.
- Supplements that appear to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis include glucosamine and chondroitin, SAM-e, avocado extract, and extract from a plant called Devil's Claw.
- Surgical treatments include an osteotomy to improve alignment of the knee joint, arthroscopic surgery which allows the surgeon to repair torn cartilage, and a partial or total knee arthroplasty to replace the damaged joint cartilage.