How to Build a 6x8 Potting Shed
- 1). Remove the sod, if necessary, from the area where the potting shed is planned. Compact the soil, using a rental store compactor, if the slab will be placed in the garden where soil has been worked.
- 2). Construct a form for the slab out of 2-by-4 inch lumber. The form serves as the perimeter of the slab and should have an interior measurements of 6-by-8 feet. Nail the corners of the form together using 16 box nails leaving the head about a 1/2 inch for easy removal.
- 3). Place the forms in the proper position and drive stakes into the ground at all four corners. Position the form so it is level across the top of form and nail it in place with a 16 box nail driven through the stake into the form. Also, leave the head of this nail about a 1/2 inch out for easy removal later.
- 4). Pour the cement into the form. Use a straight board to level the wet concrete off with the top of the form. Trowel the cement to create a smooth finish. Insert anchor bolts, L-shaped bolts with the long shank threaded for a nut, along the perimeters of the slab with two on each side. Place the anchors with the threaded end up. Avoid placing the anchors where doors are planned.
- 5). Remove the forms by pulling the nails from the stakes before removing the stakes from the ground. Pull the stakes from the forms and remove the form boards.
- 1). Cut sills, top and bottom horizontal boards that studs are nailed to, to the lengths 6 and 8 feet. Cut studs, vertical boards that make up the framework of the wall, to the height desired for the interior space of the building.
- 2). Nail the studs to the top and bottom sill every 16 inches on center. The studs and sills form the frame of the wall. Drill holes in the bottom sills to accommodate the anchor bolts placed earlier. Bolt the four bottom sills to the perimeter of the slab using the anchor bolts and nuts. Secure the corners by nailing the end studs of each wall together with 16 common nails.
- 3). Place rafters on the top sills and nail them in place with 16 box nails. Sheet the roof with plywood or other material nailing in place with 8 penny nails. Shingle the roof following manufacturer's instructions,
- 4). Side the walls with the desired materials. Cut and place siding to allow for the installation of doors or windows.
- 5). Add any windows or doors desired. Fit the door or windows in place in prepared openings in the siding and stud walls.
- 1). Cut four 30-inch legs for the potting bench from 2-by-4-inch lumber. Cut four horizontal pieces at the length desired for the potting bench. Nail together the legs and horizontal pieces with 16 box nails using two horizontal pieces at the top and two 12 inches above the bottom of the legs for braces.
- 2). Cover the work bench with 1-by-4-inch boards spaced about 1 inch apart. Allow a recessed area in the potting bench surface for a plastic or rubber tub often used in the potting process
- 3). Add storage shelves above and below the potting bench. Add any other storage shelves or tool holders or hangers.
Pouring the Slab
Potting Bench