How to Make a Portrait Look Like a Painting in CS4
- 1). Open the portrait in Photoshop by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Open". Navigate to the photo in the window that appears, click on the file, then press "Open".
- 2). Drag and drop the background layer over the "New Layer" icon at the bottom of the "Layers" panel to duplicate it. The "New Layer" icon is the button that looks like a square with its bottom corner folded up. Once done, rename this new duplicated layer "Portrait". Repeat this process with the "Portrait" layer and name this layer "Sketch".
- 3). Click on the Visibility icon next to the "Background" layer to hide it.
- 4). Click on the "Foreground Color" well located near the bottom of the Tools palette. Select a 60 percent gray from the color palette. You can also enter #999999 into the Hex code text box or 153, 153, 153 into the RGB text boxes. It doesn't matter at this point which layer is active, since the color will not change until you use a paint tool or filter.
- 5). Click on the "Background Color" well and select white.
- 6). Click on the "Portrait" layer to select it, then click on the "Filter" menu, select "Sketch," then choose "Chalk and Charcoal". Drag the "Charcoal Area" slider to 6, the "Chalk Area" slider to 20 and the "Stroke Pressure" ruler to 1. Click "OK" when you are finished.
- 7). Click on the "Filter" menu with the "Portrait" layer still selected. Select "Brush Strokes" and choose "Spatter". Drag the "Spray Radius" slider to 10 and the "Smoothness" slider to 5. Click "OK" when you are finished.
- 8). Click on the "Mode" drop-down menu in the "Layers" panel and select "Luminosity" to change the way the "Portrait" layer interacts with the "Sketch" layer. Leave the "Opacity" and "Fill" options on their default settings.
- 9). Shift-click on the "Portrait" and "Sketch" layers to select them, then click the "Layer" menu and choose "Merge Down". This will combine these layers into one. Rename this layer "Merged Sketch".
- 10
While still on the "Merged Sketch" layer, click on the "Filter" menu, select "Artistic" and choose "Paint Daubs". Drag the "Brush Size" slider to 2 and the "Sharpness" slider to 4. - 11
Duplicate the "Background" layer and name it "Underpainting". Click on the "Filter" menu, select "Artistic". then choose "Underpainting". Drag the "Texture Coverage" slider to 20, the "Scaling" slider to 100, and the "Slide Relief" to 4. Click on the "Light Direction" drop-down box and select a lighting option that corresponds to the direction of the main light in the photograph. Use the default settings for the other options. - 12
Duplicate the "Background" layer and name it "Photocopy". Click on the "Filter" menu, select "Sketch", then choose the "Photocopy" option. Drag the "Detail" slider to 24 and the "Darkness" slider to 2. - 13
Holding down the control key, select every layer except the "Background" layer (which should still be invisible). Then click on the "Layer" menu and select "Merge Down". - 14
Click on the "Image" menu, select "Adjustments",then choose "Selective Color".
Drag the color sliders until you achieve the desired color effects, making sure your "Method" option at the bottom of the palette remains on "Relative". - 1). Open the portrait in Photoshop.
- 2). Duplicate the background layer, then click its visibility icon to make it invisible.
- 3). Click on the new layer to activate it, then click on the "Filters" menu, select "Blur", then choose "Smart Blur". Drag the "Radius" slider to 100 and the "Threshold" slider to 100. Choose "High" from the "Quality" drop-down box and "Normal" from the "Mode" drop-down box.
- 4). Click on the "Filters" menu again, select "Sharpen", then choose "Unsharp Mask". Drag the "Amount" slider to 60, the "Radius" slider to 80, and the "Threshold" slider to 0.
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