Filing IRS Back Taxes
The time for filing federal taxes has now lapsed and if you have not filed for the year with the IRS, back taxes may still be filed to your benefit.
IRS back taxes should generally be paid as quickly as you are able.
The federal government's approach to taxes is to allow the tax payer to voluntarily file their returns.
This does not mean that the payment of taxes is not mandatory.
The tax payer may, when voluntarily filing on time, apply any number of applicable deductions and claim Earned Income Credit.
When taxes are not filed voluntarily the IRS may file a substitute return for you, with out any of the filer's qualified exemptions or deductions.
This substitute return can be a double hit to your wallet.
Since your exemptions are not necessarily taken into account when generating the estimate, an amount that is probably higher than a return for outstanding tax liabilities calculated by your own hand would be filed.
Collection of payment could involve liens on your property and or levies on your wages and bank accounts.
The payments made toward tax debt may be made by all forms of credit card, bank loans, and installment payments.
The IRS recommends taking a better look into your options for bank loan and credit card payment because the installment plan will generally cost you more.
You have three years to file with the IRS back taxes from the date that they were originally due to receive any refunds.
Your refund will expire after the three year deadline so it is important that you file as soon as possible.
The refund money, if you have filed before the expiration date, may even be applied to other IRS back taxes should you owe.
Not all all tax issues require repayment of taxes.
Sometimes taxes are just late because life caught up with you or you anticipated owing and when the calculations are finally made you do not.
Either way it is important that you complete and file with the IRS.
Back taxes are not processed in every location and when gathering your delinquent return be sure to verify the address where it must be sent lest you incur further interest or penalties in the mailing delay.
If you have received an official notice about your IRS back taxes, you should send the return to the address on the notice.
Prior forms and instructions may be found on the IRS website http://www.
gov as far back as 1990, as well as information where to mail your return if you want extra verification.
Filing taxes is a daunting task but if your uncertainty in the filing process is part of your delay the IRS provides help for those of low and moderate income in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.
The tax payer over the age of 60 may find assistance in the Tax Counseling for the Elderly program.
Both programs are free of charge for those who qualify and will help you with IRS training to file taxes and avoid the necessity of filing with the IRS back taxes.
IRS back taxes should generally be paid as quickly as you are able.
The federal government's approach to taxes is to allow the tax payer to voluntarily file their returns.
This does not mean that the payment of taxes is not mandatory.
The tax payer may, when voluntarily filing on time, apply any number of applicable deductions and claim Earned Income Credit.
When taxes are not filed voluntarily the IRS may file a substitute return for you, with out any of the filer's qualified exemptions or deductions.
This substitute return can be a double hit to your wallet.
Since your exemptions are not necessarily taken into account when generating the estimate, an amount that is probably higher than a return for outstanding tax liabilities calculated by your own hand would be filed.
Collection of payment could involve liens on your property and or levies on your wages and bank accounts.
The payments made toward tax debt may be made by all forms of credit card, bank loans, and installment payments.
The IRS recommends taking a better look into your options for bank loan and credit card payment because the installment plan will generally cost you more.
You have three years to file with the IRS back taxes from the date that they were originally due to receive any refunds.
Your refund will expire after the three year deadline so it is important that you file as soon as possible.
The refund money, if you have filed before the expiration date, may even be applied to other IRS back taxes should you owe.
Not all all tax issues require repayment of taxes.
Sometimes taxes are just late because life caught up with you or you anticipated owing and when the calculations are finally made you do not.
Either way it is important that you complete and file with the IRS.
Back taxes are not processed in every location and when gathering your delinquent return be sure to verify the address where it must be sent lest you incur further interest or penalties in the mailing delay.
If you have received an official notice about your IRS back taxes, you should send the return to the address on the notice.
Prior forms and instructions may be found on the IRS website http://www.
gov as far back as 1990, as well as information where to mail your return if you want extra verification.
Filing taxes is a daunting task but if your uncertainty in the filing process is part of your delay the IRS provides help for those of low and moderate income in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.
The tax payer over the age of 60 may find assistance in the Tax Counseling for the Elderly program.
Both programs are free of charge for those who qualify and will help you with IRS training to file taxes and avoid the necessity of filing with the IRS back taxes.