How to Install a Lift Kit on a Jeep Cherokee
- 1). Loosen the lug nuts on the vehicle. Doing this before you raise the vehicle off the ground is essential; otherwise the tires will rotate when you are trying to loosen the lug nuts.
- 2). Lift the front end of the vehicle and place jack stands under the frame. Before moving on to the next step, make sure that the vehicle is properly supported.
- 3). Remove tires from front of vehicle.
- 4). Place jack under the front axle of the vehicle to support it, but do not raise vehicle.
- 5). Remove front shocks, sway bar links and tie rod ends. This is also the time to loosen the control arm bolts, but do not remove them.
- 6). Lower jack slightly to allow axle to droop, being careful that you do not lower so much that the brake lines are damaged.
- 7). Remove coil springs, bump stops and bump stop mounting cup. To make re-installation less confusing, mark springs so they are re-installed on the correct side of the vehicle.
- 8). Install new spacers. The spacers used will depend on the desired lift height.
- 9). Re-install bump stop mounting cup, bump stops and springs. Make sure you re-install springs on the correct side of the vehicle.
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Re-install sway bar links, tie rod ends and shocks. - 11
Re-mount front tires. After lowering vehicle to the ground, torque bolts to manufacturer's specifications. - 1). Raise rear of the vehicle by placing jack under the differential.
- 2). Support vehicle by placing jack stands under the frame. Jack stands must be high enough that the tires will not touch the ground when you lower the jack.
- 3). Remove tires and wheels from vehicle.
- 4). Disconnect sway bar links, shock mounts and rear track arm.
- 5). Lower rear differential enough that the springs come loose. Be careful when doing this so you do not damage the brake lines.
- 6). Remove springs, bump stops and bump stop mounting cup.
- 7). Install spring spacer and replace bump stop mounting cup.
- 8). Re-install bump stops and springs. Make sure these are replaced on the same side they came off of.
- 9). Raise differential and make sure springs are properly in saddles.
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Re-connect track arm, tie rod ends, sway bar links and shocks. - 11
Re-mount tires. Torque to manufacturer specifications once the vehicle in on the ground.
Lifting Front End Suspension
Rear Suspension Lift