Black TeaThe Key To A Healthy Life
In today's time, leading a healthy life seems like a distant dream, what with the constant pressures of modern life looming large over our head. However, it is something that should never be compromised on. If you ignore your health, you are definitely going to pay for it, sooner or later. Sometimes, making some small changes in your lifestyle too can bring about a positive difference in your health. For instance, green tea has long been known to provide immense health benefits because of which many people order green tea online and have it on a daily basis.
However, now, it has been found by scientists that black tea too comprises a plethora of health benefits. Because it is usually meant to be taken with milk, it was not thought to be as effective or beneficial as its green counterpart. But, it now becomes apparent that there is not much difference between the two in terms of health benefits. It is just that because of the presence of milk, the rate of absorption of valuable polyphenols and antioxidants gets slowed down. However, it should also be noted that this process is more slowed down by skim milk compared to whole milk.
Several studies have been done to examine the health advantages of the black variant. Interestingly, all these researches point to the fact that absorption of fat into the cells is blocked by this beverage, which aids in weight loss.
Let us have a detailed look at some of the prominent health benefits of black tea:
Thus, if you have been ordering green tea online, it is time to give it a stop and opt for its black counterpart. Don't worry, you will only benefit from this shift.
However, now, it has been found by scientists that black tea too comprises a plethora of health benefits. Because it is usually meant to be taken with milk, it was not thought to be as effective or beneficial as its green counterpart. But, it now becomes apparent that there is not much difference between the two in terms of health benefits. It is just that because of the presence of milk, the rate of absorption of valuable polyphenols and antioxidants gets slowed down. However, it should also be noted that this process is more slowed down by skim milk compared to whole milk.
Several studies have been done to examine the health advantages of the black variant. Interestingly, all these researches point to the fact that absorption of fat into the cells is blocked by this beverage, which aids in weight loss.
Let us have a detailed look at some of the prominent health benefits of black tea:
- Mental alertness is improved especially in those plagued with severe depression and stress. It also prevents the condition from aggravating. This is particularly helpful because modern life is so stressful that we all go through severe stress and anxiety at some point or the other.
- Learning skills and memory are improved. Both are extremely important in keeping stress and depression at bay. Moreover, information processing abilities are also enhanced, resulting in rapid evaluation by our brain.
- Recurrent headache attacks can be significantly reduced by consuming black tea on a regular basis. This is again something that is an intrinsic part of everyone's life in today's time.
- This variant of tea consists of polysaccharides in high levels, which is very helpful in diabetes treatment. They are essentially a kind of carbohydrate that is inclusive of starch as well as cellulose. Glucose absorption in the body is reduced by them, which consequently reduces diabetic patients blood sugar levels.
- The body's basal metabolic rate is increased by it. This, in turn, increases the body's consumption of energy, which prompts it to utilize the food eaten by you at a much faster pace. Mobilization of fat takes place from the fat deposits and is transformed for utilization into energy. All these play a crucial role in losing weight.
Thus, if you have been ordering green tea online, it is time to give it a stop and opt for its black counterpart. Don't worry, you will only benefit from this shift.