Dog - Friendly Birmingham, Mi - Our Unique Find
Working from my apartment allows me a lot of freedom to work and play when I like. Take today for example: After finishing up some work, I decided that I could use some fresh air. After attaching my dog's walking harness and grabbing plenty plastic baggies, we were off.
You see, I am a first-time pet owner so this entire dog walking business is new to me. We live at Urbane on Adams, which is within walking distance to downtown Birmingham; so that was our destination. We left our apartment and began the short walk past the neighborhood schools, the parks and the neighbors that occupy them. In just a few minutes we were walking past niche boutiques and the wafting smell of some pumpkin flavored coffee. My new four-legged friend enjoyed every moment and every scent.
As we proceeded past downtown shops we came across a "doggie bar". Apparently this is becoming a growing trend. A doggie bar, for the benefit of those scratching their heads, is little more then a spout with a bowl underneath where a dog may have a drink of water. If it werent for my companion's curiosity I would have totally overlooked this little gem of an amenity.
Two things in particular struck me about this doggie bar: First, the eye-catching mosaic pattern that made up the doggie bar. Secondly, the fact that the establishment the doggie bar was attached to wasn't a pet products shop. I paused for a moment and thought: "Wow, if this is the detail put into a doggie bar, I can't wait to see what this town has in store for me." I knew I made the right decision about my apartment in Birmingham, MI.
You see, I am a first-time pet owner so this entire dog walking business is new to me. We live at Urbane on Adams, which is within walking distance to downtown Birmingham; so that was our destination. We left our apartment and began the short walk past the neighborhood schools, the parks and the neighbors that occupy them. In just a few minutes we were walking past niche boutiques and the wafting smell of some pumpkin flavored coffee. My new four-legged friend enjoyed every moment and every scent.
As we proceeded past downtown shops we came across a "doggie bar". Apparently this is becoming a growing trend. A doggie bar, for the benefit of those scratching their heads, is little more then a spout with a bowl underneath where a dog may have a drink of water. If it werent for my companion's curiosity I would have totally overlooked this little gem of an amenity.
Two things in particular struck me about this doggie bar: First, the eye-catching mosaic pattern that made up the doggie bar. Secondly, the fact that the establishment the doggie bar was attached to wasn't a pet products shop. I paused for a moment and thought: "Wow, if this is the detail put into a doggie bar, I can't wait to see what this town has in store for me." I knew I made the right decision about my apartment in Birmingham, MI.