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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships
Expressing Love Through Romance E-Cards
Romance is not just an emotion we feel; it is a language that is only spoken by those who make the effort to learn. Romance will not come easy and, you need work for it. Unlike other jobs, the kind of work that goes into romance is very pleasurable and, you will enjoy every minute of it. You need to
Surefire Advice to Save This Marriage and Stop Divorce
Saving a marriage depends on your decision to restore the relationship. If you decide to save the marriage then make the move and the initiative to make it happen. Learn more on how to save your failing marriage and stop divorce.
Three Principles That Will Save Your Marriage and Help You Avoid Divorce
You can save your marriage and avoid the pain of divorce. Learn to live in the present, define your marital expectations and commit to changing yourself. Once you've embraced these fundamental principals you'll be well on your way to saving your marriage and gaining the rewarding life you
The Best Way to Avoid Divorce Is by Rebuilding Your Marriage
You cannot expect everything to be perfect in relationships since nobody in this world is perfect. The fact is that you and your spouse will face travails and you have to deal with them successfully. You also need to learn from your mistakes and avoid doing things that will hurt your spouse.
How to Get Over the Breakup – 3 Fatal Mistakes That Kill Your Chances
We all make mistakes – this is obvious and hardly anyone will argue it. But we're able to learn on our mistakes and mistakes of other people – this is a certain fact too. Currently you're feeling depr
I Cheated But Am Desperate To Save My Marriage: Tips And Advice That Might Help
I recently heard from a wife who had cheated on her husband for about 4 months with a coworker. The husband actually caught her cheating by looking at her cell phone. When he confronted the ...
Tips to Help You Find Love Again
When we are youthful, our minds are in place, love appears to be a simple attempt. Potential accomplices are all over the place, and the conceivable outcomes appear inestimable. As we get more seasoned or ...
Marriage Guidance - Discover 3 Guidelines When to Go For Depression Help and When to Do it Yourself
You didn't ask for my marriage guidance or advice but I'm going to give it to you anyways. The debilitating disorder of depression can ruin your marriage and your life if it is not taken care of.
Saving Your Marriage - Making Your Spouse Notice You
Divorce these days seem to be on the increase at an alarming rate. The reason for this most often is because spouses are not communicating or meeting each others desires properly. The key to solve all of these problems is learning how to make your spouse notice you.
How to Prevent Divorce - You Can Save Your Marriage
Preventing a divorce can be a tricky thing to do as it is a journey fraught with dangers and navigating your way through troubled seas of arguments, hurt feelings, broken hearts and the countless small niggles of married life seems overwhelming to the point of desperation for many men and women. Fin
How to Let a Guy Feel You Love Him
You love him and want to make him feel you love him. Key ways to make him feel your love for him.
How to Find Your True Love - He's Out There Somewhere!
If you're still wondering how to find your true love, you are certainly not alone. People can spend years searching and then not recognize true love when they find it.
Does He Love You? 3 Questions to Help You Find Out
He's told you he loves you in the throes of passion, but you aren't sure he really does. You are crazy about him, but you want to know if he shares your feelings or if he's just telling you what he thinks you want to hear.
Beauty of an Imperfect Marriage
Is there such a thing as a perfect marriage? Are you living in an idyllic marriage with a perfect spouse? The newness and euphoria of a new marriage is what I call the storybook relationship. The relationship is going great because both husband and wife are doing things to please each other. You kno
How Do You Respect Your Husband After He Cheats On You? Tips And Advice That Might Help
I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: 'I'm finding it very hard to respect my husband after he cheated on me. I now know that he lied to me for a good four months. There were times
How to Catch an Unfaithful Mate in This Digital Age
As a retired TV newsman, who has seen the rapid growth of technology from the inside, I am constantly amazed at how much easier it is to communicate with people these days. There is high-speed Interne
My Husband Says He's Not Thinking About Getting Back Together, But Admits That It's Not Impossible
I heard from a wife who said: "about three weeks ago, my husband abruptly left me. So I am in this empty house without any god son and without any husband. My husband and I talk on the phone sporadically. Sometimes things and tense and sometimes they are OK. The other day, my husband and I went
Why Do 60% of Remarriages Fail?
Why is there such a high rate of failure among remarriages? This article attempts to instill meaning and direction in those who long to find an answer to this question. In moving through eight potential sources of failure, this author has made sure to cover all grounds, leaving no one out. Remember:
The Wedding Dresses Essentials For Dummies: Made Even Easier!
No arguments necessary: As a bride, you ought to have a basic understanding of wedding dresses and their various styles. Being blind to these things is simply inexcusable.So, where should you start? W
Have You Spent More Time Planning the Wedding Than the Marriage?
Many couples work diligently for months to plan the "perfect" wedding. But how many couples invest even a fraction of the time they spend in wedding planning on marriage planning? How many plan for the MARRIAGE at all? And yet, the morning after they say, "I Do", they wake up as