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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Smoking And Skin Damage - Can Smoking Related Skin Damage Be Reversed?

Smoking is harmful in more ways than one, and that it affects the skin’s aging process is common knowledge now. If you, as a smoker, suffer from discoloured skin, skin that appears dull, deep wrinkles around your mouth and/or eyes, or feel the loss of elasticity in your skin, your smoking habi

Effective Tips On How To Quit Smoking For Good

Most if not all smokers are conscious of the fact that smoking does have bring about detrimental effects to their health as well as death. They also acknowledge that smoking can affect one mentally, physically ...

A Doctor's Perspective on Adult ADHD

Untreated attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD/ADD) can be devastating for adults as well as children. Up to 60% of children with ADHD continue to have symptoms into adulthood. It is estimated that 4% of the adult population has ADHD,mostly untreated. As a physician specializing in both AD

How to Quit Smoking Weed When You Are Hooked

It's a huge step for someone when they decide to quit smoking weed. For some it is no problem what so ever, they just quit and never look back, for others it can be quite the challenge. Even though weed is not a physically addictive drug, it causes psychological addiction. If you are one that i

What Doesn't Work to Quit Smoking?

In about ten seconds, you can find a million different ways how to quit smoking. Let's do something different here and see what doesn't work to quit smoking!

Seasons of Stayton OR

Substance abuse treatment services offered by Seasons of Stayton OR

Stopping Using Tobacco and Getting Fat

Among the excuses that many people give not to discontinue smoking is they don't want to put on weight. Many people have heard stories that quitting smoking could make you fat but is this really true therefore what can we do to avert this problem?

Cigarette Smoking's Decline Levels Off

The prevalence of adult American cigarette smokers, which dropped below 20% in 2007, leveled off in 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says in a new report.

The Number One Juicer - Will There Be Truly One Out Truth Be Told There?

Omega juice machines are now the next large “in” point in the sector because it's widely recognized for the trustworthiness and sturdiness. To put the shoppers to maximum happiness, this juice machine manufacturer additionally provides a guarantee with several fifteen years longer.

How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes For Good

Whether you are a lifelong smoker or you have just been smoking for a few years, you know that you are addicted to cigarettes. No matter how long you have been smoking, you are causing damage to your body with every drag you take. You put yourself at increased risk for heart disease, stroke, many ty