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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical
How Alcohol Affects Our Moods
Alcohol is a depressant which vastly changes our mood states and our interactions with other people. This article looks at the emotional and social effects that short and long-term alcohol abuse can have.
The Risks We Take by Smoking
Every time you light a cigarette, you take a risk. The risk to your health is obvious. The more deep rooted issue involving life long addiction to nicotine , however, is often seen as a secondary factor. Think about this right now. Do you want to remain an addict, or do you want to be in control?
Whats Your Favorite Glass Blown Pipes
In this post the author coincides how to choose out your perfect glass blown pipes. The designer lightly list the various ways to find good quality glass pieces. You definitely will want to browse this document if you puff tobacco or out of a glass pipe.
Don't Give In to Withdrawal Symptoms
When a smoker starts to think about quitting his smoking habit, all negative things start to rush in and it could be a very nasty experience. If you are on the bandwagon together with the other smokers who would like to get rid of smoking off their system, understand that it will take more than your
Are Chestnuts Nutritious?
Chestnuts are a holiday tradition. They're lower in calorie than regular nuts but don't have the healthy fats.
Cedar House Rehabilitation Center of Bloomington CA
Substances abuse services offered by Cedar House Rehabilitation Center of Bloomington CA.
Smoking Side Effects No One Thinks About
Pyospermia: Another attractive sexual condition that has been linked with cigarettes and smoking. This one has to do with infertility. Basically, Pyospermia is a condition of inflamed testes with the
Creating Your Own Quit Smoking Checklist
Creating Your Own Quit Smoking [] Checklist If you gather a group of ten ex-smokers and inquire as to how they've managed to quit, you're likely to be presented with ten different stories. As the ...
Alcoholic Addiction: A Problem of Society Since the Invention of Alcohol
Alcoholic Addiction ~ Alcohol addiction abuse is not an easy issue to understand. However, alcoholism addiction can be broken down into smaller components to make it more easily comprehensible.
Four Stop Smoking Tips That Can Change Your Life.
<When you decide to give up smoking, you're taking a decision to change your life for good, how momentous is that? You are actually changing your life! Here's some not so frequently mentioned stop smoking ...
How Long Does Hydromo Stay in Your System?
Determining exactly how long dydromo is detectable in the body depends on many variables.
Magnetic Brain Stimulation May Help Smokers Quit
Study of experimental treatment shows some success at six months
Quitting Smoking - Heath Hutt
habit of cigarette smoking is bad and one should quit it for healthy leaving.
Smokers May Get Strokes 10 Years Before Nonsmokers
New research shows that smokers tend to have strokes close to one full decade earlier than nonsmokers.
Difficult Choices - For Those In Early Recovery
When recovering alcoholics and recovering addicts in the early stages of recovery are trying to decide their next move after leaving treatment, they are often faced with difficult choices. "Should I go to sober living?" "What type of sober living?"
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program
There are many people looking for a good and reliable drug and alcohol rehab program that can help them or a loved one quit addiction permanently. While it is true that we have many centers out there, it is sad to note that many of them don't have the right program to help addicts.
Alaska A.A. Meeting Contacts
AAlcoholics Anonymous Intergroups and Central Office telephone numbers for Alaska.
Three Types Of Quit Smoking Programs
Congratulations! You have finally made the decision to quit smoking. You should be proud of yourself for deciding to make a break from your addiction to nicotine and start your life over as a non-smok
Portable Tobacco Vaporizers: Why Do We Need Them?
Why Buy Best Portable Herbal Vaporizers? If you are a smoker, you must most likely have heard of vaporizers. These vaporizers have emerged as one of the eco-friendly and healthy alternatives to smoking and thus, ...
Coughing After Quitting Smoking - Why Stopping Smoking Can Make You Cough More
So you finally feel you've managed to kicked the habit and stopped smoking. Then why do you feel so dreadful and ill, and why on earth are you coughing after quitting smoking even though you haven't had a cigarette in days, weeks or even sometimes months?