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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Getting Rid of Mold Could Mean Getting Rid of Your Cold
While you might suffer from frequent coughing and itching, at least some of it can be prevented and controlled. By getting rid of mold in your home you could stop those cold systems year round.
Treat Ailments With Bee Pollen: Allergies Can Be Overcome With the Bee
Have you ever imagined that you could treat allergies with bee pollen? Allergies are troublesome for many in the United States, and while some believe that they are only seasonal, the weather patterns are changing and causing people to reconsider how they view the allergy season and what they can us
HEPA Air Purifiers and Allergies - 5 Reasons HEPA Air Purifiers Can Alleviate Allergy Symptoms
For some, allergies are seasonal and symptoms fade when contact with the irritant stops. For others, allergies are ongoing because the triggers are indoors and never go away. Regardless of whether your allergies are acute or chronic, a HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) air purifier can al
Allergy TV From WebMD
Learn more about allergies, from causes to treatments and expert opinions with these informative videos from WebMD.
Food and Ointment Allergies - 7 Strategies to Heal Them
Chronic allergies to foods and ointments can be overcome by tracing and eliminating the causing factors. With a serious acute or life threatening allergy the doctor is always needed, often quite quickly. Careful observation, willingness to eliminate one or more products, and to live mainly on self p
A Guide to the Management of Cat Allergy Symptoms and Treatments
The patients that display cat allergy symptoms may not even be aware of the underlying issues. It is heartbreaking to tell your children that they cannot keep their favorite pet. However that might be part of the course of cat allergy treatments that are required.
A Three-Step Approach to Enhanced Indoor Air Quality
A simple three step approach can help you enhance your indoor air quality, namely to identify and clean the source of bad air, and ensure a constantly cleaned environment with an indoor air purifier. Find out more here.
How to Treat Demodex Mites
Demodex mites are microscopic parasites that may cause skin infections such as rosacea. They infest mainly on the face, eyebrows and eyelashes. Demodex mites cause a rash, redness, irritation and itching. There are ways to treat demodex mites through oils and prescribed medications.
Food Allergy and Food Intolerances
Food allergy and food intolerances are becoming more widely recognised amongst nutritional and conventional medical practitioners. Food allergies can be quite a serious condition, such as a child having an allergy to nuts and when consuming them they could go in to anaphylactic shock that could be l
Quinine Allergy Symptoms
Approximately 41 percent of the world's population lives in areas prone to cases of malaria, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Each year, over 1 million people worldwide die from this infectious disease. Doctors rely upon a prescription medication know as quinine sulfate to tre
Latex Allergy Review
Latex allergy is an extremely common problem in health care, emergency and other workers. It can also affect others with less apparent repeated exposures. Learn about this common problem.
Dust Mites: Is Resistance Futile?
Ridding your home of most dust mites won't cure your asthma, studies show. Even so, allergists say it's a step in the right direction.
Hay Fever - How to Reduce The Symptoms Of Hay Fever
Hay fever allergies begin just as the warmer weather arrives and we all want to be outdoors. If you suffer from hay fever here are some tips to get you started in reducing those unpleasant symptoms.
What to Do if You Suspect a Food Allergy
These five strategies can help you know if you truly have a food allergy and how to handle it.
Asthma Disease is a Condition
Asthma disease is a condition that affects the lungs. This is so because the airways that carry air in and out of the lungs when irritated swelland thus air cannot pass normally causing a shortage of air that is being carried to and from the lungs.
Natural Cure For Sinus Infection
For many people all over the world who suffer from chronic sinusitis, they would realize that a permanent cure for this condition is indeed elusive. Somehow as we age, sinus infection symptoms seem to hit us doubly hard and seem a lot more severe. Perhaps this is due to the slowing down of the body&
Seeking An Alternative Asthma Medicine
Asthma affects millions of people worldwide. A disease of the respiratory system, asthma causes airways to constrict so that breathing is hindered. Sufferers of asthma know how terrifying the disease can be and how dependent they are on medicines such as respiratory inhalers to protect their health
Frequently Asked Questions About Allergy Relief
What’s the right allergy treatment for you? Get answers to common questions from the experts at WebMD.