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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Officials Issue New Orleans Mold Warning
Federal health officials warned Wednesday of the potential health risks of mold in areas flooded by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Food Allergies: 5 Myths Debunked
Experts talk with WebMD about the difference between food allergies, food sensitivity, and food intolerance.
Allergy Relief Just in Time for Winter Allergies
Get ready to boost immunity and protect your good health. Mx Allergen and Sinus is a potent combination of all-natural ingredients known for helping to clear breathing and boost immunity.
Dealing With Allergies Naturally
Allergies are generally combated with drugs. But these often come with unwanted side effects, and many people don't like having to rely on medication just to feel normal. Are there any natural solutions to allergies that are effective?
How You Can Recognize Urticarial Rashes?
Your body doesn't develop the last stage of urticarial rashes at once, yet there are some phases and steps through which it nourishes itself to an uncontrollable stage. You might be aware of the fact that urticarial skin issues cannot be solved easily from its root cause because of the fact tha
Asthma Types
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of asthma types including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Uncommon Symptoms of Food Allergies
Most people are familiar with common signs of food allergies such as hives, inflammation, nausea and lethargy. However, there are many other symptoms which are not as common and are often mistaken for being symptoms of other ailments.
Treatment Plan in Patient With Shingles and Inactive TB
Besides a chest x-ray, what other tests should be done, ie, immunoglobulins?
Pollen Survival Guide: Reducing Spring Allergies
Pollen and allergies don't mix. But you can minimize the misery of allergiees. From WebMD, here's your springtime pollen survival guide.
Air Quality
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of air quality, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Why Does Dust Make You Cough Or Sneeze?
Both sneeze and cough are productive reflexes that clear the upper airways of bacteria, viruses, pollutants, and irritants including dust. A sneeze will remove dust that irritates the upper nasal lining and a cough will expel dust that is irritating the bronchial passages. What is dust?
Allergies and How Essential Oils Can Ailivate Your Strongest Allergies
The majority of us have allergies. Whether we are sneezing, coughing or itching our puffy eyes, it's always allergies. Essential oils are a natural way to combat allergies. No prescriptions or addictive drugs needed. Just a quick blend of a few oils and you will be outside in no time. Living an
Flu Shot And Egg Allergy- Flu Shot Safe For Kids With Egg Allergy
Flu shots have previously not been given to patients with egg allergy. Find out what you need to know to protect yourself.
Allergy Doctors in Houston and their Modes of Treatment
It has been proved through research and case studies that almost seventy percent of Houstonians suffer from the problems associated with sinus, including headache, watering of eyes, irritation of nose
Allergy Symptoms and How to Heal Them Naturally
Allergy symptoms come in all types, but none are a lot of fun to experience. Do you reach for the 'magic bullet' to fix them or is there something more profound going on here? Is it time for you to look a bit deeper?
Asthma Treatment
Asthma is a chronic disease affecting the respiratory organs resulting in a block in the normal air passage. Early warning signs occur in the form of wheezing, coughing, stuffy feeling in the chest, and sometimes mild chest pain.
Gluten Free Diet With Allergy Rotation
To discover your own hidden food allergies, you are going to have to be an allergy detective. Using an allergy rotation diet will help you seek out your allergens and help you with your gluten free diet. Once you've discovered the culprits, you can remove them from your diet and have more vibra
Some Facts on Food Allergies and Food Intolerence for Kids Which All Mothers Should Know
True food allergies affect a relatively small percentage of the population. It may be hereditary as it is found to occur most frequently in children with family histories of allergies. The term 'food allergy' is sometimes confused for 'food intolerance', but they are in fact diff
Lake Water Allergies - Beware of Those Summer Swims
If you live in the country, you are probably familiar with the idea of swim in a lake.Most people think that it's safer to swim in a natural lake, compared to a public swimming pool, however that isn't always the case.
Adult-Onset Asthma
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of adult-onset asthma including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.