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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Flonase or Nasacort for Spring Hay Fever?
Learn the advantages and disadvantages of using over the counter Flonase or Nasacort for the treatment of nasal allergy symptoms. Which one is best for you?
Wheat Intolerance - What Are the Hazards If Left Untreated?
Wheat intolerance is a kind of food intolerance when a person has a difficult time to digest wheat products like bread and barley. This is not to be confused with wheat allergy which is an auto-immune system where the body negatively reacts to wheat entering the body.
Am I Allergic To Peanuts?
This article discusses the signs and symptoms of having an allergy to peanuts. It reveals precautionary steps to help the reader better understand this condition.
Aspergillus Asthma Treatments
Aspergillus is a variety of fungus that is found growing on decaying vegetation (like piles of leaves or compost). It can also be found in other areas, such as air conditioners or even in hospitals and medical clinics. Some individuals suffering from asthma have allergies to the fungal spores of Asp
If You Believe Asthmatics Have Weak Lungs - Think Again!
There seems to be a myth that's been accepted by everyone and that is that asthmatics have weak lungs. Why is that and what if it's wrong?
Asthma Breathing Exercises For Kids
Buteyko, Papworth, Pranayama, these names might sound alien to you but for asthmatics these three has become somewhat synonymous to alternative asthma treatment. The three mentioned above are breathing methods of course, but that is where their similarity ends since each and every one of them have d
Why do I get an itchy rash on my face after using my cell phone too long?
Find out why over-using your cell phone could give you an itchy rash on your face.
How to Beat Asthma
Asthma is a respiratory condition that causes the airways in the lungs to swell and become narrow. The chest tightens and mucus builds, making it difficult or even impossible to breathe. Asthma cannot be cured, but people can control their symptoms by avoiding things that cause attacks, taking daily
Babies Who Eat Peanuts Early May Avoid Allergy
Life-threatening peanut allergies have mysteriously been on the rise in the past decade, with little hope for a cure. But a groundbreaking new study may offer a way to stem that rise, while another may offer some hope for those who are already allergic.
Journaling For Asthma and Digging Deep
Getting started can sometimes be the hardest part. Author Sharon Brisson helps us get started and discusses the power of Digging Deep.
Find Out How To Stop Sinus Problems Before They Start
Sinus problems can more often than not be stopped before they start but it is knowing what to do and what changes to make that will prevent the awful sinus symptoms. Sinus has several causes so it is knowing what may be affecting you so that you can prevent the sinus problem.
How to Get Rid of a Pollen Allergy
Pollen allergies can cause sniffling, sneezing, runny eyes, coughing and general malaise. Those afflicted with a pollen allergy, also known as hay fever, can suffer during the spring and fall months. Follow these tips to get rid of your pollen allergy.
Spotting Hidden Allergy Triggers, Like Dust Mites, Mold, and Pollen
Why are you snuffling and sneezing? Allergy triggers are hidden everywhere -- is one of these bothering you?
Why Are So Many Asthma Sufferers Talking About The Use Of A Pulse Oximeter?
Asthma is one of the most prevalent and common health conditions in our society and can truly have a tough toll on those individuals that are living with it. The condition is essentially a respiratory condition that prevents the body from getting enough oxygen.
The Effect of Asthma on Society
Asthma is a chronic condition that causes the airways in your lungs to constrict, making it difficult to breathe. While asthma causes a number of complications to patients, it also has a profound effect upon society.
How Does Acid Rain Affect Human Health?
Rain is considered acid rain when it contains a higher than normal amount of sulfuric and nitric acids. Acid rain is the result of natural sources, such as decaying vegetation and volcanoes, and man-made sources, especially nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emissions that come from fossil fuel combu
Asthma in Children-Treatment Overview
Although your child's asthma cannot be cured, you can manage the symptoms with medications, especially inhaled corticosteroids and beta2 - agonists. You and your child will usually work with your health professional to develop a management plan consisting of a daily treatment plan and an asthma
Symptoms of Sinus Infection and Treatment Options
A sinus infection is a condition whereby the mucosal lining of the sinuses are inflamed. It usually occurs after one has suffered from the common cold or viral influenza. But it may also be caused by a reaction to allergens.
Nasal Allergies May Dim Sex Life
Having nasal allergies may dim people's sex lives, researchers report.
Alternative Asthma Treatments - Tips to Control That Asthma!
I was sick of using my inhaler; I had to find alternative asthma treatments because I couldn't perform at my best when playing the sports I loved. I would be running on the soccer field with friends and then stop and use my inhaler. It was worse when I went on dates.