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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Allergic To Your House? 5 Things That May Be Causing Problems
If being at home triggers sneezing, congestion, watering eyes, and coughing on a regular basis, chances are you are allergic to something in your house. Here are 5 common household allergens that you should know about.
Allergy Relief: Astelin Edges Zyrtec
Hay fever sufferers may get better relief from a nasal antihistamine than from an oral antihistamine, a clinical trial shows.
Management Of Psychological Aspects Of Asthma
Asthma is a disease that was for a long time considered to be governed by the malfunctioning of the nervous system. For this reason in the old texts this disease is mentioned as Asthma nervo
How to Self Administer Allergy Shots
Allergy shots contain allergens or things you are allergic to. The reasoning behind injecting small doses of allergens is to help your body become accustomed to it so you'll have less of a reaction to that allergen overall. You can get allergy shots for all sorts of allergies, including those to ani
Remediation of Mold Professionally
Molds are so hazardous for health that they are considered as a major biological peril. A mold could be a household mold like bread mold or toxic mold like the black mold. These fungi belong to the mu
Sinus Buster - A Sinus Experts View
Sufferers of sinus allergies, sinusitis and headaches have been getting excellent relief by using a capsaicin based nasal spray called Sinus Buster. Sinus Buster contain the active ingredient capsaicin which reduces substance P. Substance P plays a major role in causing inflammation.
Testing And Treatment For Gluten Intolerance Symptoms
This article discusses the testing and also the process for finding out if you have a gluten intolerance. Learn about how it is diagnosed and what is involved in general treatment.
Bronchodilators for Relief of Asthma Symptoms
WebMD explains short- and long-acting bronchodilators used to control asthma symptoms.
Asthma Types
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of asthma types including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of anaphylaxis including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Allergies and Hives (Urticaria and Angioedema)
WebMD looks at hives (also known as urticaria) and angioedema, including their causes, diagnosis, treatment, and management.
Choose the Best Nebulizer
Pulmicort is a steroid that is used to control the symptoms of asthma. Asthma patients who do not find relief by occasionally inhaling a rescue inhaler, use steroids like Pulmicort.
Seasonal Allergies: Is Your Home Too Clean and New for Your Health?
Since keeping molds, pollens, and other allergy triggers out of your indoor air is a sensible first step toward surviving allergy season, maybe spring's a good time to refresh your personal s
Curing Allergen Hypersensitivity Without Drugs
Allergies are getting more and more common in people these days and many people are relying on expensive drugs and other medications in order to gain relief and get on with their daily lives. The down side of this?
Mold Allergy - How to Relieve Your Symptoms
Mold is an organism that is found in most every place both outdoors and inside. It is a type of fungus that works to break down materials that are dead and return the nutrients back into the environment. It can grow by digesting plant or animal matter, leaves, wood, dirt, paper and food that release
The Many Signs of Asthma in Kids, Characteristics of Asthma and Medications
Learning about Asthma and recognizing signs of Asthma in children could be a life saving knowledge. In normal effortless breathing, air enters from the nostrils and works its way through the trachea down to smaller lung channels called bronchioles. The last stop is in the alveoli, at which point the
Exercise Induced Asthma Treatment - How To Minimize The Severity
Exercise-induced asthma is a condition that occurs in people during vigorous activity, particularly in cold and dry conditions as they are unusually sensitive to changes in air temperature and humidity. The breathing gets severely impaired within five to 20 minutes of beginning activity in such pati
What Are the Treatments For Allergies?
The treatments of allergies can vary depending on what types of reactions you experience. There are often medical therapies available for sensitivities, but sometimes the treatments are very unconventional. This article will briefly describe the remedies of aversions and how they work.