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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
What Causes Chronic Allergies?
What causes allergies and allergy symptoms? Go behind the scenes to find out -- and take control.
Identifying Your Food Allergies
Food allergies affect more and more people. The hard part is identifying the source of the allergy. Many folks get tested for environmental allergens. This seems to be the route of choice for many doctors. But for a lot of people, this may likely miss the root causes of the patient's symptoms.
Reactions and Allergies
The word allergy comes from two Greek words: "allos" meaning other and "ergon" meaning work. Allergic reactions are abnormal over-reactions by the immune system to harmless, protein substances called allergens, which are contacted through the skin, inhaled or injected. An allerge
Asthma Video
Asthma videos contains information on asthma.The video is a mode of communication of awareness to the public on asthma.
Nasal Allergies - Time To Sneeze
Thousands of people can tell you what time of the year it is by their allergy symptoms.It's when you start walking around like a zombie and people avoid you because they think you have the flu.
Need Some Clean Air in Your Office?
Are you finding yourself unable to concentrate at work? Feeling sleepy and lethargic? One of the causes may be a lack of good quality air. Yep the quality of the simple stuff we all breather every minute of every day can have an effect on your performance (why do you think athletes take huge lungful
Can You Have an Allergic Reaction to a Tuberculosis Test?
According to the World Health Organization, TB is an airborne infectious disease which primarily affects the lungs. While a number of tests for TB do exist, they carry risks. The Gold Standard of TB testing is the Mantoux skin test, which does pose the most risk of a severe adverse reaction.
Scratching Out Poison Ivy Allergy
Plagued by poison ivy allergy? It might be possible to coax the body to build up immunity to poison ivy.
Does Latex Paint Pose a Risk for People with Latex Allergy?
Find out of latex paint poses a risk for people with latex allergy.
Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Relevance for Occupational Rhinitis
When should local occupational rhinitis be considered within the differential diagnosis options?
Nasacort Vs Fluticasone
Put an end to nasal allergies by opting for fluticasone 50 mcg. This will help you get long term relief from all your nasal allergies. You can move around freely without sneezing. In addition, you can
Mushroom Allergy Symptoms
Mushroom allergy symptoms resemble the symptoms of many other food allergies. They arise because your body considers the mushroom an invading toxin and responds accordingly. Allergies can be fatal and require medical attention. If you experience any of these symptoms (noted by the AMA and other orga
Pepper Allergy Symptoms
Pepper allergy symptoms are not widely known or experienced, but they do exist. Responding to the symptoms and seeking the help of a doctor is of utmost importance. Pepper allergy symptoms range from mild to severe, but all of these symptoms must be noted and responded to accordingly.
5 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Your Asthma Symptoms Almost Instantly
Natural asthma remedies have proven effective in relieving asthma symptoms and should not be brushed aside. Best of all, they are cheaper than prescription medicines and they have no side effects.
Hay Fever Symptoms & Treatment
The medical terminology for hay fever is "allergic rhinitis" which refers to the primary symptoms of sinus pressure, stuffy nose, and itchy watery eyes. This condition is caused by an allergic reaction due to the pollen released by certain plants and trees typically during the spring, summ
Breathing Trouble Caused by Swimming?
A new study shows that swimmers experienced breathing problems similar to those associated with asthma after several minutes of swimming even in water with chlorine levels below the recommended level for disinfecting private pools.
Drug Provocation Tests in Hypersensitivity Drug Reactions
Drug provocation testing is necessary to diagnose most drug hypersensitivity reactions. Find out how and when to use it.
Home Remedy for a Jalapeño Pepper Allergy
When your body has a negative immune response to a certain food that others are able to enjoy without problems, you have an allergy. According to the Allergy Advisor, pepper allergies, including jalapeño pepper allergies, tend to be caused by the spice capsicum, which is found in the pepper. Th