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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
Treatment of Severe Abdominal Pain from Zithromax
Zithromax is one of the brand names for azithromycin. It may also be sold under the names Z-pak or Zmax. While not common, some patients may experience severe abdominal pain while taking Zithromax.
Prevalence of Cirrhosis in Hepatitis C Patients
How likely are patients with chronic hepatitis C to present with cirrhosis?
Economic Analysis of the HELPUP Trial
Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use is costly and about two-thirds of prescribing is long-term. Although 20% - 50% of patients may be infected with Helicobacter pylori, eradication is not normal clinical practice.
What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
WebMD explains the basics of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including theories about its causes.
Heartburn No More - Not Just a Heartburn Relief Program But an Acid Reflux Cure Program
If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from heartburn, acid reflux or other digestive problems and are always taking over the counter medications or find that you're tied to a prescription every single day, there may be something that you can do naturally to heal your burning p
GERD: Side Effects and Complications of Fundoplication
Could antireflux surgery cause postoperative complications in some patients? This new study investigates.
Herbal Remedy for Acid Reflux Probiotics
While there are several pharmaceutical drugs available to treat acid reflux, there are several herbal remedies that may cure the symptoms without causing side effects. Probiotics are a treatment that may not be as effective as antibiotics. Several herbs, fruits, and other substances can do the trick
Barrett's Esophagus: How Should we Manage it?
What are the newest patient management strategies for Barrett esophagus?
ABT-450/r/Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir for HCV
Can this interferon-free regimen bring about a complete virologic response in patients with HCV genotype 1b infection?
Heartburn Diet for the Holiday Season
A heartburn diet for the holiday season does not have to be without good food. Checking the fat content of foods is a good guide to a healthy heartburn free holiday.
Localized Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain is a general term used to describe pain that occurs anywhere in the front of the body between the groin and chest. Pain limited to one specific area of abdomen is commonly known as localized abdominal pain.
Foods Not to Eat With Acid Reflux
Knowing which foods not to eat can help you avoid triggering heartburn. And it's wise to avoid eating within two or three hours of your bedtime, since this could cause acid reflux in the middle of the night.
What Causes Frequent Heartburn and How to Effectively Treat Heartburn
Heartburn is one of the main symptoms of acid reflux. For some people it is just a little uncomfortable, while others feel a lot of pain. Heartburn is becoming a more common problem amongst both male and females.
Understanding Pancreatitis
Learn more from WebMD about pancreatitis, including causes, symptoms, and treatments.
Celiac Disease Complications
WebMD looks at the serious complications of celiac disease, including lymphomas and other cancers.
Contemporary Celiac Disease: Risk of Morbidity
What types of other diseases can potentially present in patients with celiac disease?
Anti-TNF Safety in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women With IBD
Are anti-TNF agents safe in women with IBD who are pregnant and breastfeeding? This new study takes a look.
Inguinal Hernia: Surgery in Adults-Credits
A list of contributors to the topic on Inguinal Hernia: Surgery in Adults.
Colorectal Cancer Screening
Read about the latest and most effective ways to screen for colorectal cancer.
Household Remedies for Heartburn: Inexpensive Acid Reflux Cures
Would you believe that topping the list of household remedies for heartburn to counteract the excessive acid in the stomach is also sourced from an acid-based product? Yes, that's true.