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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
Acid Reflux Symptoms and Signs
Acid reflux is a condition that can be quite frustrating and irritating because it produces a burning sensation and at the wrong time, that is just when you are about to start enjoying your good night's sleep. It would therefore be of help to you if you got an idea of what the acid reflux sympt
GERD Home Remedy - A Short Guide For GERD Sufferers
If you've just been diagnosed with GERD, chances are, you're already thinking of which antacids to get. Although most doctors usually prescribe drugs to combat this disorder, you need to understand that the relief you'll get from drug treatment is often only temporary...
Acid Reflux Fruit Diet
Acid reflux, also known as GERD, is a condition that occurs when an excess of stomach acid consistently enters the esophagus. Acid reflux can keep you up at night and, while doctors can prescribe medication to help GERD symptoms, it is wise to get to the root of the problem and take a look at your
What Is Duodenum Erosion?
Duodenum erosion is the medical term for a peptic ulcer, which occurs when the lining of the upper part of the stomach erodes and develops a sore. For more than a century, doctors incorrectly blamed diet and stress for causing these ulcers.
Creating an Ulcerative Colitis Diet Plan
Learn more from WebMD about managing your diet if you have ulcerative colitis and tells you about dietary supplements that may reduce GI inflammation.
Risk Factors Associated With Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma in Crohn's Disease
The results of this study suggests that small bowel resection and prolonged salicylates use may protect against small bowel adenocarcinoma in Crohn's disease patients.
Difference Between Heart Attack & Acid Reflux Symptoms
According to the American Heart Association, almost 500,000 deaths in the U.S. each year result from coronary heart disease (CHD). Chest pain is a common sign of a heart attack, a complication from CHD. However, acid reflux, a non-life-threatening condition also causes chest pain.
Three Most Common Questions Acid Reflux Suffers Ask Their Doctors
Do you have acid reflux? Do you have several questions about it? If so, then this is the article for you. In this article, we will look at three of the most common questions that acid reflux suffers ask their doctors. So let's get started!
Drugs Ease Hard-to-Treat Constipation
Results only now reported from a 12-week clinical trial that ended nine years ago suggest that a new drug, Resolor, helps people with chronic constipation.
Newborn Acid Reflux Causes
One of the sweetest things about being a mom is the opportunity to care for our children most especially to our newborn babies. However, it may be quite challenging especially for new mommies out there who are still learning new skills. Newborn acid reflux is common to babies, on the other hand, we
The IBD Or Inflammatory Bowel Disease Known As Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is the condition that causes the lining of the colon and the rectum to be chronically inflamed and develop ulcers or sores that produce pus and bleed. The most common symptoms of this inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are diarrhea containing blood and abdominal pain.
Fecal Immunochemical Testing for CRC Screening
How effective is fecal immunochemical testing at detecting colorectal neoplasia? Is it more accurate than the FOBT?
Acid Reflux Diet - Helps Control Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Reduces the Risk of Heartburn
Most people rely on quick fixes to resolve gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly known as acid reflux, not knowing that there are long-term reliefs. A change in diet, for example, may prove beneficial.
What Are Some GERD Friendly Foods?
Although certain foods seem to aggravate the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, there are many foods you can still eat that are part of any healthy diet. Emphasize complex carbohydrates and foods that are low in fat.
How to Get Rid of Acid Reflux Without a Prescription
People go to great lengths in order to get rid of acid reflux, including daily prescriptions that may or may not be necessary, depending on the individual. There are a variety of natural ways to get rid of acid reflux that include everything from major lifestyle changes to simple quick fixes.
Mortality and Cancer in Pediatric-onset IBD
Could patients with pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease be at an increased risk for cancer? This new study explores the connection.
Personalizing Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Personalizing therapy for inflammatory bowel disease rests on two premises. What are they and how well does the current literature support them?
Treating Benign Esophageal Ruptures and Anastomotic Leaks
How well do various different stenting methods work in the treatment of benign esophageal ruptures and anastomotic leaks?
Early-TIPSS Placement in Patients With Variceal Bleeding
Does early-TIPSS placement improve rebleeding and reduce mortality, compared to standard management in high-risk patients with cirrhosis and variceal bleeding?