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Hepatitis A and B Vaccinations Schedule
WebMD provides information about the hepatitis A and B vaccinations, including a vaccine schedule, immunization side effects, and preventing the hepatitis viruses.
Pioglitazone reduces restenosis post-PCI
Results of a randomized trial show six weeks of treatment with the oral antidiabetic drug had no significant metabolic effects but significantly reduced neointima volume after coronary intervention in nondiabetic patients. (American College of Cardiology Annual 2005 Scientific Sessions.)
HRT raises stroke risk in hypertensive women
The Importance of Zinc
Zinc is one of the minerals that are found naturally in our bodies and important for many bodily functions. Zinc is required at a cellular level to help in cell division and also assists in liver function and expediting the healing of wounds.
Oral Health Care: Questions and Expert Answers from WebMD
Concerned about the health of your teeth and gums? WebMD went to the dental experts to get answers to your most pressing oral health questions.
Rapid Fat Loss Is Possible When Your Rotate Your Carbs
Do you want a much more effective and realistic method of rapid fat loss? Try a much safer and healthier approach to quick weight loss called Carb Rotation. There are two general approaches to Carb ...
Outbreaks of Salmonella Serotype Enteritidis Infection
A Salmonella serotype Enteritidis (SE) epidemic emerged in the 1980s, when increasing numbers of infections were detected in the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States.
"What Are the Benefits of Zeaxanthin?" and Other FAQs
If you are like me, you want to preserve your eyesight till the end of the years in as pristine a condition as possible. The benefits of Zeaxanthin can help you do exactly that. Let's find out what is it, how is it helpful, and what the correct way for its intake is.
ExoSeal device impressive
A new vascular closure device with a bioabsorbable plug and a unique deployment mechanism has shown encouraging results compared with manual compression in a pivotal multicenter trial. (American College of Cardiology 2008 Scientific Sessions.)
Detox Diet: Purification For Good Health
Among all the wonderful aspects of the control we can exercise over our bodies, also lies our ability to cleanse it inside out. Detoxification simply means ridding our system, which includes our bloodstream, kidneys, liver ...
How Do Vitamins Affect the Body?
"Take your vitamins" is a phrase well known to most children born after 1950. Amazingly, the value of vitamins was largely unknown until German biological chemist Casmir Funk's groundbreaking work on "vitamines" in 1912 and its translation into English in 1922. Today, children study the...
Right Vs. Left Side of the Brain
Your brain is divided into two sections, or hemispheres. These are commonly referred to as the left and right side of the brain. These sections of the brain process information in different ways. However, brain activity functions at its best when these two sections operate together. It is important
Metabolic Syndrome-References
CitationsGrundy SM (2001). United States cholesterol guidelines 2001: Expanded scope of intensive low - density lipoprotein - lowering therapy. American Journal of Cardiology, 88(7B): 23J–27J. Grundy SM, et al. (2005). Diagnosis and management of the metabolic syndrome: An American Heart Association
Common and Rare Side Effects for Carbaphen Ped CH oral
Find information about common, infrequent and rare side effects of Carbaphen Ped CH oral.
Lose Unneeded Flab And Gain Sexy Abs
Nutrition can be a major key into whether you live a healthy or an unhealthy life. Proper nutrition is not that complicated, but it does require some research so that you don't end up losing ...
How You Can Guide Your Own Despair With A Soothing Pet Grave Marker
So, it would be a good thought to be there for them in their time of grief, and to give them one of a range of pet memorial presents. The following is a look at ...
Beating Gambling behaviors by utilizing special gambling addiction help treatment strategies
Gambling is often a common activity enjoyed by a lot of individuals all throughout the earth. There is nothing incorrect with participating in this type of recreation as long as it truly is handled mo
What is the Best Muscle Building Supplement on the Market?
With all of the different product out on the market, deciding upon the best muscle building supplement can be a hassle. This article talks about some of the most important muscle growth supplements and their effects on the body.
Low Carb Shake - Knowing What your Body Demands
It really is feasible to take in such shake to obtain any conditioning pursuits. Yet, you also ought to understand about the actual dissimilarities involving higher carbo or reduced carbo smoothies. Healthy protein shake, in ...
Bicillin C-R intramuscular Interactions with Other Medication
WebMD provides information about common drug or vitamin interactions for Bicillin C-R intramuscular.
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