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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
What Are the Bacteria Found in Frozen Egg Products?
Eggs are inexpensive, easy to find, and, depending on what side of the debate you are on, nutritionally beneficial. Americans consume eggs and egg products, or eggs removed from the shell, in numerous other foods, such as ice cream, cakes and mayonnaise. Some people freeze their eggs by removing the
How to Compare Water Distillers
Water distillers are used for a variety of reasons where water purification is needed or wanted. They are effective at treating water to remove contamination and odor and also to improve taste. Knowing what type of distiller is needed can save money in the long run.
Systemic Yeast Treatments
System yeast infestations can occur as a result of a poor diet, food allergies, taking too many antibiotics, the overuse of corticosteroids and inhalers and even from airborne pollutants. Invading substances can disrupt the normal production of candida albicans or candida tropicalis in the digestive
How to Relieve Fibromyalgia With Essential Oils
Characterized by multiple sore and tender points and a diverse array of symptoms, the pain of fibromyalgia is chronic and unrelenting. Pain migrates to all parts of the body and varies in intensity. Fibromyalgia patients describe the pain as tingling or burning, numbness, throbbing, twitching or sta
Herbs for Menopause
If you are one of the (few) lucky women, you may slide right through menopause with nary a symptom. However, if you are in the other camp and are suffering from hot flashes, night sweats, sore breasts and irritability, some herbs may diminish the symptoms.
Lemon & Alkaline in Foods
Although lemons are acidic, they are considered to be a high alkaline food due to their alkalizing effect on the body when digested.
What Are the Benefits of Chaste Tree Supplement?
Chaste tree is an herb that is mainly used to effectively address many common women's health problems including menstrual cramps, pre-menstrual symptoms and menopausal symptoms. Chaste tree, which is also known as Vitex, has been effectively used for centuries.
How to Detoxify from Methodone
Methadone is a synthetic long-lasting opiate drug. Its traditional use is to treat heroin addiction--addicts receive legal methadone so they no longer have to risk needle use or steal to support their habit. Today, methadone is also used to treat chronic pain that is not well controlled by other d
Calories Burned Driving
Driving in America has become a national pastime. The U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey found that Americans spend more time driving to work (about 100 hours a year) than they do on vacation (about 80 hours), and 2 out of 10 people polled in an AP-AOL autos poll said they have a name fo
Self Healing With Guided Imagery
Self healing with guided imagery therapy is a technique that advocates claim can be used to develop stronger cognitive-behavioral relationships and if applied properly, can have manifest benefits on varying physical ailments. Specialists believe that imagery is how the mind connects with the body (r
Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is known as one of the most beneficial juices around when it comes to health. Like most berries, cranberries are high in antioxidant counts and many different vitamins. In particular, though, cranberry juice is helpful for the bladder and in curing urinary tract infections. The juice
What Foods to Avoid That Are High in Chloesterol
Cholesterol is a lipid, a soft fatty gel that helps your body form cell membranes. You can find cholesterol in your bloodstream and in your body's cells. Foods that contain high levels of cholesterol come from animal sources, saturated fats and trans fats, which should all be avoided for health reas
Salt Water Cleansing Diet
Salt water cleansing is done for a number of reasons, including losing weight and cleansing the body of toxins. Before you consider detoxifying your body or losing weight by consuming salt water, you should know that salt water cleansing is a method that should be done in tandem with nutritional con
How to Make Insect Repellent With Eucalyptus Oil & Witch Hazel
If you are looking for a natural way to protect yourself from insects, try making your own homemade repellent. Homemade bug repellent is an effective way to deter annoying insects without exposing yourself to harmful chemicals or strong odors from store-bought repellents. Organic products, such as w
How to Use Oregano Oil
When grown in the Mediterranean mountains and used in its purest form, oregano can fight off many different kinds of infections. The oregano essential oil is derived from fresh oregano leaves and is commonly extracted through steam distillation. Oregano oil can be taken internally with oregano capsu
Alternatives to Fumigation
Fumigant free crops are generally safe to eat.Farm Crops image by Jim Mills from Fotolia.comFumigants are extremely toxic pesticides used to sterilize soil before planting. They are designed to kill insects, fungi and weeds. According to the Pesticide Action Network North America,...
How to Clean Instruments With Sterile Water
When using medical equipment or instruments either at home or work that need to be sterilized for safety and decontamination, use a solution of sterile water to ensure that all bacteria and viruses are killed and eliminated from the instrument or tool. Using a mix of enzymatic detergent and sterile
Importance of Drying Hands After Washing
Drying your hands immediately after washing them is considered to be just as important as the act of washing your hands. Drying your hands prevents bacteria build-up and maintains cleanliness.
High Fiber & Low Residue Diet
Useful for individuals who are suffering from a variety of digestive disturbances such as colitis or Crohn's, a low-residue diet can help to alleviate symptoms by easing the burden on the digestive tract by decreasing the frequency and volume of bowel movements. According to the Mayo Clinic, high f