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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
Levels of Heavy Metal in Fish
Fish are high in vitamins and minerals needed by the body, including omega-3 fatty acids and protein. However, fish also absorb heavy metals that make their way from the air into streams, rivers and oceans. These heavy metals are then absorbed by humans who eat fish.
Systemic Yeast Diet
A systemic yeast diet ensures that a person remains free of yeast infections through healthy diet restrictions. Symptons of a yeast infection includes diarrhea, vaginitis, constipation, fatigue, respiratory problems and various inflammations.
Can Asbestosis Be Caught From a Patient With Asbestosis?
Asbestos is a mineral that is resistant to heat and was previously used extensively in insulation and fire-retardant materials. Asbestosis occurs when asbestos fibers are inhaled and accumulate in your lungs, causing scarring of the lung tissue. Because of this health issue, the United State governm
High-Fiber Liquid Diets
Most soluble or insoluble fibers are difficult to turn into liquids for a fiber diet, as they are constant in barleys, oats and legumes. However, there is a large amount of fiber in many fruits and vegetables that can be blended into a high-fiber liquid diet. This will help you not only to lose weig
Uses of Waterless Hand Sanitizers
Waterless hand sanitizers are convenient gels that usually contain alcohol, which kills bacteria on contact, as the active ingredient. The Colorado State University Extension explains that alcohol sanitizers work by stripping away the outer layer of oil on the skin, which destroys he microorganisms
Trauma Insurance Definition
Trauma refers to a sudden serious physical or mental injury. Trauma can keep people out of work for a long time, as they struggle to heal either mentally, physically or both. Trauma or recovery insurance, available in Australia, is for those who have suffered through trauma. It can help people get b
Nutritional Values for Almonds
Almonds are a powerhouse of a snack. Packed with protein, fiber and minerals, they provide lasting energy and good nutrition.
How to Trace the Nutritional Needs of Both Men and Women Throughout the Various Stages of Life
Men and women, who are health conscious and want to look and feel their best, understand the importance of staying informed regarding their nutritional needs. Many factors can impact your nutritional needs, including your age, body weight and build, as well as your family history.
How to Make Lebanese Garlic Sauce
Lebanese garlic sauce is a treat. You can eat it with meats or use it as a dipping sauce for fried foods. It even makes a fantastic salad dressing. And if you eat enough, you can actually stop taking your garlic supplement. The following article will detail the process of making this delicious Leban
Problems With Wobenzym N
Wobenzym N is an extremely popular dietary supplement and alternative remedy, used as a home remedy for dozens of common ailments. This enzyme formula is a combination of two plant-based, protein-digesting enzymes, papain and bromelain. Protease enzymes have long been implicated for their use in tre
How to Use Grapefruit Seed Extract
Many people are not aware of the sanitizing properties of grapefruit seed extract, which is most often found in liquid form. It can be used to provide relief for skin fungus problems and cold sores, clean vegetables, purify questionable drinking water, and sanitize carpeting.
Beginner's Bodybuilding Diet
Bodybuilders, especially beginning bodybuilders, eat differently than most people. You need to trim off as much fat as possible without sacrificing any muscle. You need to consume enough calories to have energy for your workouts and daily life and still build your biceps, triceps, deltoids, calves a
I Need a List of Lactose-Free Foods
Lactose is a form of sugar found in milk and foods made with milk. Lactose-intolerant individuals are unable to digest lactose due to a lack of the enzyme lactase in the small intestine. While lactose-intolerance is not a serious health condition by itself, it can lead to reduced calcium in the diet
Protein Diet Information
There are several different types of protein diets, with the most popular being the Atkins Diet and South Beach Diet plans. The idea of all protein diets is to limit intake of carbohydrates while loading up on protein, which helps break down fat while, coupled with regular exercise, building muscle
What Are the Dangers of Soy Sprouts?
Soy sprouts hold hidden dangersmung bean sprouts image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.comSoy sprouts are often added to salads and sandwiches, blended into smoothies, baked into bread, or turned into soy flour and milk. They are valued for high protein content and contributions to...
OSHA's Press Brakes Guidelines
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration ensures that employers do what they can to keep the work environment safe. Accordingly, when it comes to working with heavy machinery such as powered press brakes, employers must be sure that safety guards are used to protect workers.
Sources of Protein in the Diet
Protein is a dietary necessity that provides the body with its essential amino acids, building blocks needed for muscle growth and repair of cells throughout the body. Protein comes from both plants and animals, although not all sources provide all the essential amino acids.
The Advantages of Carbon Trading
Scientists say carbon emissions contribute to global clouds are made? image by David Batzner Jr. from Fotolia.comCarbon trading is a system in which companies that produce carbon emissions first purchase credits allowing them to emit a specified amount of carbon into the...
What Is Wrong With Too Much Calcium?
Calcium is best known for and recommended for healthy teeth and bones. It also protects the heart, keeps the weight off and protects against colon cancer. While rare, too much calcium can be hazardous and unhealthy.
Calorie & Exercise Chart
Losing weight typically means modifying your diet (both the types of foods eaten and the quantity) and getting regular exercise. Cutting calories alone is rarely enough; exercise helps you burn the excess calories you can't cut out of your diet, and it helps you maintain the weight you lose. Your ge